A Time For Learning (1)

The next morning, Darian awoke early, eager to begin his magical studies. He dressed quickly and left his house, making his way to Emily's clinic as fast as he could.

Arriving at the clinic just after sunrise, he found his master waiting outside. Smiling warmly as he approached, Darian returned her smile with a confident nod. Emily gestured for him to follow her into the building, before then telling to take a seat at the front desk.

"Start by going through the pile of books I prepared for you over there," she said. "Start with the one on the basics of magic at the top and once you're done with that one, move onto the next one below it."

"Yes, master," he replied. "What do I do once I'm finished with all the books?" He asked, eagerness present in his voice. He finally had the opportunity to formally learn about magic, the power he'd sought since he'd reincarnated into this world.

"My, oh my, you're quite eager aren't you? Finish those first, then we can talk about what comes next, Darian."

"Understood, master."

Darian's eyes scanned the pile of books laid out before him. His face showed visible excitement, he felt a tingling feeling in his heart, similar to the one he felt when he first discovered a way to gather mana into his core.

The vast amount of knowledge waiting to be absorbed into his mind laid within the pages of these books. With vigour, he picked up the first book on the basics of magic and settled comfily into his chair.

As he delved into the contents of the first book, Darian found himself immersed in a world of enchantment and wonder. The words on the pages illuminated the intricacies of spellcasting, the principles of mana, and the various branches of magic. He learned about the fundamental elements of magic: fire, water, earth, wind, dark and light.

'The five elements of magic each possessed their own distinct characteristics, each with their respective place in the practice of the arcane.' He read.

These elements served as the building blocks from which spells were woven, understanding their essence was crucial for any aspiring mage wishing to specialise in their element of choice.

Each element had their own distinctions and sub-elements.

Earth magic was said to be deeply rooted in stability, strength and resilience. It harnesses the power of the earth itself, drawing energy from the solid ground beneath our feet.

Wind represented freedom and agility, allowing mages to control air currents, create strong gusts or gentle breezes.

Fire magic embodied transformation and passion, evoking warmth, and could be used to control flames hot enough to scorch enemies.

Water magic symbolised adaptability, tranquillity, and fluidity, allowing mages to manipulate bodies of water to their will.

Dark and Light magic were opposing but interconnected elements, they were two sides of the same coin. Dark magic is said to be shrouded in mystery and shadows, embodying secrets, manipulation, and hidden potential. It draws its power from the depths of the unknown but has been used to remove impurities, create illusions, and more.

Light magic was often used to heal wounds, utilising the radiant energy of light itself. Light mages were often seen as beacons of hope and possessing a deep understanding of balance and harmony.


Clients started coming into the clinic after a well, some injured, some simply looking for ointments, and some looking for potions created by the clinic's master.

Emily handled them all, bringing some into a different room where they could be healed away from the main floor of the clinic. The occasional scream would distract the young prospective mage every now and then, but he would get back to studying almost immediately.

During this time a patient had come in with a broken leg with the bone sticking out. Emily had quickly and quietly taken them to the separate room before going straight to healing them.

"Hold still, this might hurt." Emily instructed the patient, casting a healing spell with her hand placed over their injury.

"Ok…" The patient muttered, before a loud popping and cracking sound could be heard. The broken bones and wounded tissue had quickly regenerated and healed.

"Ahh!" The patient screamed for a mere second, before immediately feeling relief. 

Emily not paying any mind to their scream had requested immediate payment.

"That'll be 5 coppers," she smiled.

"Alright…" The patient replied, quickly giving her what was due.

As the number of patients visiting the clinic seemed to die down, their ailments cured and their wants relieved, Emily returned to the front desk with a gentle smile. 

"You seem a little distracted," Emily remarked.

Darian nodded, speaking his mind. "It's incredible how you can mend broken bones and heal wounds just by placing your hand towards where they're hurt."

Emily chuckled softly. "Healing magic isn't particularly difficult, but requires an understanding of anatomy. You have to have empathy for the patient's pain and the willingness to inflict it, even if only for a moment."

Darian concurred with a nod, realising then that healing magic was a little more complex than he had thought. It wasn't a matter of simply casting the spell over the injured person's wound or ailment.

"What about other elements, Master? Aren't you good at those too? Like the time when you helped save the town from the goblins and orcs…" Darian inquired.

"I can yes, but I chose to pursue healing magic because…" Emily pondered for a quick second whether she should continue her sentence, sadness evident only for but a moment in her eyes. "It was something I was better at than the other elements, and I like helping people as much as I can."

"Anyway my dear little apprentice, how are your studies coming along?" She asked, patting the boy's head.

"It's going well, I'm about to finish the first book."

"Already?" Emily looked at him quizzically, she expected him to study at a slower pace. "Are you sure you've understood everything so far?" She asked, doubting him.

"Yes." Darian simply answered.

"Alright then tell me about the different elements of magic." She quizzed him.

Darian then went on to answer her questions about the contents of the first book perfectly.
