Change (1)

It has been a few weeks since my first two lessons with Lady Emily, during this time I learned a lot of tier 1 spells and focused on controlling my mana when casting magic. I also found out that I was best at casting wind and fire spells through my training as my control of these elements was much better than the others.

On my way home from my lesson, turning a corner I found myself face-to-face with Olfin and his group of friends once again.

Memories of my previous encounter with them flooded my mind, and a wave of unease and annoyance slowly built up within me. However this time, things were different, Adam was there.

"Adam?" I asked, confused since I hadn't gone to visit them at the Guild Hall in months now.

Olfin, with a smirk across his face, stepped forward, blocking my path. Something more annoying than last time was going to occur.

The other members of Olfin's little gang surrounded me, their expressions filled with malice, however Adam stayed aside observing.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the weirdo who thinks he can be a mage," Olfin sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Think? I am." I retorted.

"Hahaha," Olfin laughed. "And I suppose that makes me a knight just cause I'm learning a bit of swordsmanship." He said, before shoving me to the ground.

I felt a surge of emotions rise in me, a mix of frustration, humiliation, and rage that was slowly building, but I had to maintain my cool.

Getting up and dusting myself, I asked, locking eyes with this fat oaf. "What's this really about?"

"There's nothing, we just don't like you and we never have." He said, pushing Darian again. 

This time, the other bullies joined in, holding him.

"Hey!" I shouted as a wave of magic was beginning to surge through my veins, a manifestation of just how annoyed I was getting.

"Oho, look at that! The little magic boy thinks he can use magic."

My mind raced as I stood on the edge of a crucial decision. Should I let my anger consume me and unleash my magic, or just do my best to run away.

However in my moment of hesitation, Olfin seized the opportunity to strike, delivering a swift punch to my face, causing my vision to blur. Blood quickly trickled down my nose, dirtying my shirt and the ground below me. The other bullies then joined in, raining blows on my body.

All I remembered before blacking out was pain as I tried to shield myself from their blows.

'I wasn't weak so why did I let them get the best of me?' I thought.

"Make sure to go for his body," Olfin said.

The beating continued for a good while as I received kicks to my body. Just when I thought I could bear it no more, and as I mentally prepared myself to kill them all regardless of the consequences later, a voice cut through the chaos. It was Adam.

"Enough! Stop it!" Adam's voice commanded.


Reluctantly all the bullies backed away, their expressions a mixture of fury and disappointment. Darian laid on the ground, bruised and battered, his breaths ragged and painful.

Adam knelt beside him, his look filled with concern for a moment, yet he didn't speak and simply got up and ordered for everyone to go.

"Let's go." He ordered, turning away and leaving. Olfin and his little gang followed suit..


Picking myself up from the ground after a while, I looked at my face from a nearby puddle. They had done a number on me, I was hurt both physically and mentally. Someone I thought was a friend had betrayed me and I didn't understand why, yet he stopped them. I was perplexed.

Somehow the pain I felt in my heart hurt more than the blows I had received to my body.

I was frustrated, my emotions were out of control and I couldn't make sense of them.

"Why was he even there?" I asked myself, puzzled for a moment.

Not wondering about it any further, I turned my sights to the forest, I needed a way to vent my anger and pain.

Using magic to strengthen my body, I ran as fast as I could through town. The air around me crackled as I channelled the wind element to boost my speed. My hands became enveloped in a swirling tempest of win, forming swirls of condensed air.

Having made it into the forest, I invoked spells unleashing a flurry of wind blades, slashing through trees and branches. I then invoked fireballs, launching them towards a tree where I imagined the image of Olfin plastered to it.

With my anger finally gone after a while, and the bullies in my mind defeated, the forest had gone completely silent once again. Sweat trickled down my head as I stood amidst the aftermath of rage. The trees bore the marks of my wind and fire spells. Getting beaten made me realise that without the use of magic I was weak even if I did train myself a bit. I needed martial arts too besides just magic.

With the adrenaline subsiding and my body aching, I decided it was time to head back home but not before I cleaned myself at a nearby stream. 

As I approached the familiar path leading to our house, my heart sank at the thought of facing my parents. I knew they would be worried sick if they saw me in such a state.


My mother and father were waiting inside the house, their faces anxious and concerned as soon as I entered.

"Darian, where in Lusaria have you been?!" My mother said, 

"Are you alright?" My father chimed in.

"We've been worried about you especially since it's already so late." My mother added.

Their questions came rushing in, their voices blending together, driven by their deep parental love and concern for me. The fear and anxiety were written all over their faces, and their eyes showed a mix of relief that I had finally returned home.

"I'm…I'm okay," I managed to say, my voice sounding exhausted and weak. "I just got a little bit rough while playing with Olfin and his friends on my way back."

My mother obviously didn't believe me, her hands instinctively reaching out to touch my body causing me to wince. "Playing? This doesn't look like playing to me. What happened?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of my actions pressing upon me. How could I explain the truth to them? How could I tell them that I had been beaten up by a bunch of good-for-nothing kids? That I had nearly lost control of my magic and my anger? How could I tell them that had I let myself go, I might have killed them all?

"We got into a little misunderstanding," I mumbled, avoiding their gaze.

"Misunderstanding?" My dad chimed in sarcastically. "This doesn't seem like a misunderstanding to me."

This was the first time I had ever seen him angry. In a way it felt nice, but he looked terrifying. His brows furrowed, and for a moment it seemed like his eyes glowed a bright red.

"Wash up honey, and quickly go to bed. Your daddy and I will go over this in the morning." My mother urged me.

"Ok mom..." I said, getting on my way.
