Change (3)

[Author's Note: Fair warning that this chapter gets a little graphic even if I have toned it down.]

The next day dawned bright and clear, and despite the lingering sense of uncertainty, I felt better than I ever did. I decided it was time I went into the forest once again, I needed to train.

The familiar path led me deeper in the lush woods, the sunlight filtering through the thick canopy overhead. The whistling sound of wind and the chirping of birds created a soothing symphony that eased my troubled mind. I followed the usual trail until I reached a small clearing, where a gentle stream, a familiar babbling brook, meandered through the mossy rocks.

This place held a special significance for me. It was here, a few years ago, that my mana core had changed and ushered me into a new stage on my quest for power. I was getting stronger but I was impatient.

Sitting down beside the stream, I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, allowing the tranquillity of my surroundings to envelop me. I focused on my breath, letting my worries and distractions fade away into the background. The gentle flow of the stream served as a steady rhythm to guide my mana circulation.

My thoughts eventually drifted off into what that dream was the other day, but just as I was on the verge of reaching on trying to remember it all, the serene atmosphere shattered with the sound of approaching footsteps.

I opened my eyes and slowly turned my gaze towards the sound, spotting a familiar group making their way towards me.

Olfin and his gang stood there, smirks etched on their faces, their eyes gleaming with mischief and malice, however Adam wasn't there this time.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Darian the so wannabe 'Mage' and the one who puts others in danger," he sneered. "Did you think you could hide in the forest, especially at our spot?"

"Your spot?" I stood up, my eyes steady as I faced him. This was the spot I found when we were nothing but toddlers.

"What do you want this time? Can't you just leave me alone like you always have?" I added, keeping my distance as I was still bruised from my last encounter with them.

Olfin's cronies laughed, encouraged by their leader's presence. "Leave you alone?" Where's the fun in that?" 

A sense of wrath welled within me. I couldn't tell if it was because my body was reacting to what happened yesterday, or if it was because of this nincompoop, but I knew our encounters never ended well. I had to end whatever this was here today, away from the eyes of everyone in town. This was my chance.

I took a deep breath, gathering my resolve. "I have nothing to say to you, Olfin. Just go away," I replied, my voice firm.

Olfin's eyes narrowed, and a menacing grin spread across his face. "Go away? I wish I could, but all she ever talks about is you. And we heard you told your parents about what happened last time."

I looked at him confused. I finally understood why this fat oaf was so enraged with me, it was because of Anna who I hadn't seen in a while.

"What? Too scared to act on your own? Maybe this time we'll make sure you can't run your mouth for good. Maybe we should just…Break it?" He said, picking up a stick from the ground.

"You're going to regret this." I retorted.

The tension in the air crackled as they closed in, their intentions clear. I braced myself, ready for a fight of 3 against 1. 

With whatever this power was, I felt like I could take them on without having to resort to using magic.

Olfin lunged forward with his fist aimed at my face, yet time seemed to slow down as I looked at him, and my reflexes felt as though they kicked into overdrive. With an instinctual grace, I leaned backward, making him narrowly miss my face.

Surprise flashed across his expression, I could tell what he was thinking.

'How'd he do that? This bastard…' Was probably the only thought that gorilla was capable of with that big body and his small brains.


Ducking and weaving swiftly as I evaded his subsequent swings, each punch seemed to move through the air in slow motion, allowing me to react effortlessly. My body felt different, more so than yesterday. I felt good and I felt like something had awoken within me.

Olfin's cronies watched in confusion, their initial smirks fading into looks of bewilderment. They couldn't believe what was happening. Their leader, their top boy, the bully they had always relied upon, was failing to even lay a single finger on me.

With each dodged punch, my confidence grew. The fear and doubt that had plagued my mind in our previous encounters melted away. 

It was as though whatever happened with that dream granted me heightened physical abilities, enhancing my reflexes and reaction time. Was this an effect of my own self-teaching of magic?

I was a little surprised but grateful for whatever this was. Power was power after all.


Olfin's frustration mounted, fueling his aggression. He lunged at me with increased furor, his fists swung wildly now in an attempt to land a blow. But I effortlessly sidestepped and pivoted, avoiding hsi attacks with uncanny ease.

"What!? You!" He shouted, swinging his arms in a wild flurry.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as the dance between us unfolded. I became acutely aware of the forest around us—the rustling leaves, the distant hoot of an owl, the earthy scent of the moss beneath my feet…

"I've had enough." I said.

Launching myself forward, my fist connected with Olfin's stomach. My arm was fast and strong, with the impact reverberating throughout my arm.

Olfin staggered backwards, his big frame stumbling a few feet before crashing back-first into a tree with a loud thud.

I thought I had accidentally killed him, not knowing my own newfound strength, as silence fell over the forest as olfin's cronies stood frozen. The bully who had once seemed invincible and strong now laid sprawled on the forest floor, defeated by a singular punch.

After a few seconds, Olfin looked up. "This…This can't be happening! You're just a weakling! How did yo–"

I met his gaze, a steely resolve in my eyes as I smiled, filled with confidence. 

"Strength comes in many forms, Olfin. It's not always about how big and strong you look. I think it's time you learned that." I said, grabbing a handful of his hair.

"Aghh!" He screamed, as I held him at eye-level. "What are you two idiots doing?! Get him!" He yelled.

However Olfin's cronies hesitated, looking at each other with uncertainty. They had always relied on Olfin's brutish nature to intimidate and dominate others, but now they saw a different side, a side that was vulnerable and pathetic.

"What? Want some too?" I turned towards them.

Slowly, they backed away, their earlier aggression replaced with caution and fear before running away, leaving us two alone.

"See, those friends of yours sure were loyal." I said to him.

"F*ck you, loser." He said, spitting in my face.

Wiping his spit off, I released my grip on his hair and delivered a blow to his cheek. Olfin's face contorted in agony, the blow was fast and sharp. Blood streamed down from his nose and lips. I stepped back, away from him as I was beginning to feel strange. Something wasn't right.

Looking down at both my hands, they were shaking. Maybe I had used too much of this new power? But just as I was getting lost in my own thoughts, Olfin swung at me, landing a blow to my head and that was when everything changed.


The world around me blurred, and I felt different. Small fangs grew in the place of two of my teeth, they were sharp and gleaming. I had no control over myself, the only desire I had in that moment was to kill and consume. I was hungry. So hungry…

With ruthless efficiency, I easily overpowered Olfin, striking him relentlessly. He was reduced to nothing but a helpless, broken figure, bloodied and battered. The sight of more blood only increased my insatiable hunger that was beginning to overwhelm me, drowning out any remnants of my humanity. I felt like a monster.

As I held Olfin in the air, shadows seemed to cloud my mind, I was no longer in control.


With ruthless efficiency, he easily overpowered Olfin, striking him without remorse. Olfin was reduced to nothing more than a helpless, broken little boy, bloodied and battered.

The sight of more blood only increased Darian's insatiable hunger that had completely consumed him, drowning out any remnants of his humanity.

As he held Olfin in the air with one arm, shadows seemed to whisper to him.

"Eat him…" They said.

They were urging him to give in to his desires, to bite into Olfin's flesh and consume him. It was a sinister temptation that echoed over and over in his mind, driving him to the brink of madness.

"Darian please don't…" Olfin begged, tears running down his eyes, however Darian could hear him no longer.

All he could think of was his overpowering thirst for blood, his hunger for the taste of it.

As Darian began moving his head towards Olfin's neck, a voice in the forest rang out, bringing him back to his senses.

"Darian!" His father shouted.

"Dad?" Darian managed to murmur, as he turned to look at the source of the sound.

However, before Darian could realise what was happening, his father reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders and injected a syringe into Darian's arm, delivering a powerful sedative.

"Sleep now, my boy. I will take care of things from here."

Everything faded to black, and Darian's consciousness slipped away.
