"I just wanted to remind you that soon I have to go home and this place..."

"Will be closed. I know, Adam, thank you." Elena quickly cut off the words Adam hadn't finished saying. "I'm done too and will come out soon." Elena moved swiftly away from Cameron to escape, and she swore that she would hit him hard on the head once she was alone.

Adam smiled again and actually left the place.

Elena was already walking first. Meanwhile, Cameron remained silent for a few moments before he chased after Elena.


"I had no intention of pausing my steps just to face a proud man like you, Jones!" Elena replied while walking without looking back.

"Elena, halt!" Cameron caught up to Elena's footsteps and grabbed a woman's arm with a sudden sarcasm that bothered him outside of work.

"Gosh! Are you insane? It's still business hours!" Elena was enraged once more.

"We must figure it out. You understand, right?"

"Yes! I am completely aware. You feel like your job is in risk of failing because you believe that I am more qualified than you, and on top of that, you're upset because the mother of your one daughter chose to wed another man and dumped you." When Elena could take it no longer, she started to yell at Cameron. "Observe, Cam. I'm not trying to escape my obligations! I accept the arrangement you're presenting and pledge I won't lose my career or my dignity just because you're aware of the important information I'm concealing."

Elena could see Cameron's face tensing up again, the muscles in his jaw twitching as he gritted his molars, suppressing his rage. Elena was well aware that the glint in her eyes was a sign of anxiety.

"Are you upset? Are you irritated?" Elena spoke once more. Cameron, who is on the verge of exploding at any moment.

"Are you finished talking?" Cameron inquired, his voice trembling.

"Not quite yet." Elena responded in a fiery tone of voice. "You haven't even responded to my question."

Cameron straightened his shoulders and folded his arms across his chest in a manner that always made everyone he spoke to feel intimidated.

Elena hissed, "That style again." "Keep your distance from me, Jones."

"No worries. In fact, I'm delighted to do it."

Elena walked past Cameron again, skinny and forward.

Elena couldn't help but turn around when she reached the end of the corridor. "By the way," Elena said confidently, tossing her hair. "I have the lead attorney position in the Johanson case."

Cameron gave her a look. "Don't put both at risk, Smith. Your dignity and your career are at stake." Cameron passed Elena with a smug wink, leaving the woman in his wake.

Temporary madness.

That was the defense Elena put forward as she stared at Cameron's back as it drifted away and disappeared turning toward the elevator.


Cameron was the last one out of the office that night. He looked up from his computer about fifteen minutes ago and saw Elena packing her briefcase and preparing to leave. Elena didn't even look in Cameron's office when she got home.

That's exactly what Cameron thought. Then he felt threatened a split second later. He couldn't talk to Elena, even though things like this had previously made him happy.

Cameron then berated himself for his stupidity in following Elena upstairs.

Jones, stay away from me.

The arguments between him and Elena in the library hallways and corridors had indeed gotten out of hand. But the words of the irritable woman kept playing back in his head.

Not to mention the words Elena noticed while tossing her hair.

The position as lead attorney is mine.

Hmm... Cameron inhaled deeply. He was one of the best lawyers in town, and he'd even heard Elena say so. So, should he be concerned? Should he wave the white flag simply because a woman in a tight skirt and high heels bluffed him?


The position of top attorney and regaining Emily would be in his hands at the same time.

Cameron convinced himself on the way home that he needed to distract himself a little. And he was certain that the only things he could rely on right now were work and Emily.

Cameron pulled over at a local restaurant that also happened to be an upscale restaurant. Cameron was completely unaware that Elena had immediately scheduled a meeting with George.

Even though it is a high-end restaurant, it is not overly formal. (However, if you don't want to be perceived as a materialistic woman, don't order anything more than $25.)

Wait—No way. She appears to have changed. Elena noticed a man at the bar wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans. But then she shifted her gaze elsewhere because the man she was looking at at the time seemed too enticing. Elena then noticed this enticing man turn and look at her.

"Elena!" George walked over to her.

Oh, God.

He really was George. A seductive man who wears jeans and takes off the tailor-made suit he wears to work.

Elena watched George closely as he sat down next to her at the restaurant bar. This man seemed very different from the Ivy League guy she knew at work, even though the two of them were indeed friends.

Elena had never met anyone in her profession who was truly hesitant to brag. Elena was surprised to find George so humble as their conversation progressed.

Elena loved it when George referred to his educational history as "schooling in Boston" rather than Harvard when the two talked about law school (a topic that two lawyers would always talk about).

"Did I ever tell you that Ivy League men aren't all jerks? Some of us go there to study, not just to say we went to Harvard."

Elena wanted to smile wider, but she suddenly remembered hearing someone say the same thing.

"What would you like to hear? I despise it when you Harvard boys are correct." Elena then forced a smile.

"Well, I suppose we— is there a second date?" asked George with a wink.

Oh, shit.

That sly wink. Elena remembered the Harvard man she had called a jerk. Cameron Jones