
Loki was currently sitting down meditating in his small trash hut.

Today he was going to create his own hatsu. It had been six months of training, and he was now feeling comfortable to start.

He had incredible experience now with Ten, Zetsu, and Ren. He had also practiced other advanced techniques during this time to further his experience.

The advanced techniques he had learned were Gyo, In, Shu, and En.

While practicing these techniques, he realized he had extreme talent being able to reach a high level in each within a short time.

His En was extremely good, with a current radius of 150 meters.

You have to know that Zeno Zoldyck, one of the most powerful assassins alive, can only extend his En up to a radius of 300 meters. These were the results of him practicing most of his life compared to him, who had only been practicing for six months.

With all this practice, he felt it was time to finally become a full-time nen user. Although he had many other techniques, one is only a full-time user when they create their own hatsu.

Each hatsu is representative of a user's individuality. All abilities are incredibly diverse and are catered toward its users.

This leads to very high-level fights in which opponents try to figure out the rules and conditions of the enemies' hatsu.

The first thing he needed to do was a water divination test. This was to find out his attribute when creating his hatsu.

A water divination test involved having a cup of water with a leaf on top and channeling aura into it.

Based on your respective attribute, it would react in different ways.

There are six attributes: Enhancer, Transmuter, Emitter, Conjurer, Manipulator, and Specialist.

Each attribute has advantages, and Loki was excited to find out his.

Enhancement: If a person increases the quantity of water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that person is an Enhancer. Enhancement Is the ability to use aura to strengthen or increase the natural abilities of an object or one's own body. Enhancers are able to greatly increase their physical attack and defense and are best suited for melee combat.

Transmutation: If a person changes the taste of the water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that person is a Transmuter. An affinity for Transmutation means a person can change the properties of their aura to mimic something else or replicate specific attributes.

Emission: If a person changes the color of the water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that person is an Emitter. An affinity for Emission means that a user has an easier time separating their aura from their body. Due to its properties, Emission is typically employed in abilities with an emphasis on range and/or those that have long-lasting effects.

Conjuration: If a person creates impurities in the water in the glass during their Water Divination, then that person is a Conjurer. In most cases, Conjuration involves creating a physical, independent, material object out of one's aura; however, users of this category can also create laws and principles and affix them to a specific area, or even create their own pocket dimension.

Manipulation: If a person moves the leaf floating on the water in the glass around the water's surface during their Water Divination, then that person is a Manipulator. Abilities belonging to Manipulation allow the user to control living or non-living things, including aura constructs. The main advantage of this category in combat is the ability to manipulate the enemy themselves.

Specialization: If a person causes any other effect than those previously stated during their Water Divination, then that person is a Specialist. Specialization can be broadly defined as any abilities that do not belong to any of the other five categories, making it the most vague Nen type. Specialist abilities also tend to have more steps and conditions than abilities of other Nen types.

All these categories were good, so he did not mind which one he received. Loki believed that he could make an ability fitting for him no matter which attribute he received.

He could have done the water divination test earlier. Still, he didn't want to tempt himself and make a hatsu without understanding the strength of nen.

Loki soon grabbed a small cup of water he had set aside earlier in his small hut.

After placing a small brown leaf in the cup, he put his hands around it before channeling his nen through it.

After channeling his aura through the cup, the leaf floating on top of the water quickly started turning black while spinning.

Soon the leaf was pitch black and spinning.

"Looks like I'm a Specialist, huh…." Loki thought to himself.

Specialist was a very diverse category.

Loki's thoughts ran extremely fast as he began to think of the characteristics.

Specialization can be broadly defined as any abilities that do not belong to any of the other five categories, making it the most vague Nen type. Specialist abilities also tend to have more steps and conditions than abilities of other Nen types.

This would allow him to create a perfect nen ability that perfectly suited him. Although he hadn't checked his attribute, he did think of certain Hatsu's that would work well; however, none of these seemed to fit his current situation.

He wanted an ability that genuinely embodied him. Nen is very spiritualistic and can grow with the user. In this life, Loki did not want to fail on his way to the top. He would reach the pinnacle this time, and it all was on this moment.

Thinking of this, Loki decided to meditate and honestly think about himself.

He thought of the time when he was in school, studying hard with hope for the future.

The time that he failed to receive his scholarship. The mental demons haunted him as he vented his fury toward the world.

He thought of his time training to become a hitman. The holograms he used to control his victims to the point where people called him Mischief.

Finally, he thought of his death. The cold night where the snow at the moment seemed like pitch black orbs of light.

Suddenly he opened his eyes to see the same black light appearing around him.

He walked towards the black light to see it seemingly twinkling.

This black light was strange and extremely mysterious.

This black light seemed to fill him with unimaginable power. He felt as if all of his physical functions had bad amplified.

Seeing the black light, he was reminded of the night of his death due to the deep shade of black that resembled the seemingly black snow that fell as he died. As he was thinking this, he soon sensed something around him.

Suddenly he turned around quickly and thrust his hand only to see that what his hand had punctured was an illusion of himself standing there. Not his small child body but his adult body dressed in the outfit he wore as Mischief.

After thinking for a second, he realized what had happened. He could create illusions based on his thoughts in this area of black light. This black light worked much like the technology he used for holograms when he was in his past life.

Soon hundreds of versions of himself were standing around him.

He looked around with a significant smile.

His eyes were absolutely boiling with excitement as he thought of the future.

With this ability, he was no longer the hitman who used holograms to outsmart his enemies. Within his domain of black light, he was a god.

The God of Mischief.


Hatsu Name: Black Light

Nen Type: Specialist

Description: Around the user a domain of black light will unfold with a range depending on the amount nen supplied. Within the domain of black light the user will be have the ability to manipulate this black light to the users whim. By manipulating this special black light it is possible to create constructs according to the user's thoughts which will appear to have the same amount nen as the user, but will not in actuality.


1. The max range of the domain of black light is equal to the max range of the users En

2. Manipulating black light will consume nen based off of the scale of the construct.
