
Sorry for late upload everyone! Stuff going on IRL and it's my next semester of College started. Some notices for the future will be that Tuesday and Thursday will most likely be tough to upload. This is because I stacked my classes these days. If I happen to have spare chapters written it's all good but otherwise your out of luck ;/

Moving on I should be able to write more but even if I have to be gone for a week this will continue so you don't need to worry about dropping. This chapter is shorter than most but I just wanted to get something out and it's better than nothing.

Anyway please enjoy the chapter!


A large truck drove through the boundless wilderness, but the inside of the vehicle was full of people talking and laughing. The whole picture was exceptionally harmonious.

Currently, all the people in the car were talking about Nen and the direction they wanted to develop their abilities. The only problem was that they really lacked knowledge of Nen. Currently, only Loki and Chrollo knew a lot about Nen, but it was really patched-up information.

Loki only knew patches of information that were revealed in the Anime. At the same time, Chrollo had only learned parts from the elder, who was also trying to hide information. The two of them currently lack a complete outline of information.

While it worked, for now, they would soon run into blockages in their knowledge. They needed more comprehensive knowledge.

While the two thought of this, the outline of a city soon appeared at the far end of the horizon.

"Hahaha… It seems we finally arrived!" Uvogin laughed while his voice was filled with excitement and joy.

While the others may not have been as vocal about it, they were also incredibly excited. It would seem that they were finally about to see their first glimpse of the outside world.

When the vehicle slowly entered the city's entrance, an old, dilapidated city sign was placed outside that was full of dust and grime.

[Welcome to Paradise]

On the outside, the city looked completely ordinary, if not for being a little dirty. The surrounding buildings were quite small, only about three stories. This was normal, though, as cities close to Meteor City would not be that developed.

This was still a major upgrade from Meteor City, leaving all of them except Loki stunned while looking around. Loki was still extremely excited about seeing this seemingly rundown city.

Of course, Loki didn't care too much about the city itself. He was excited to finally start his own adventure. Living in Meteor City for two years didn't mean he didn't think about leaving. It's just that he knew it would be useless for what he wanted to do in the future.

As bad as the living conditions were, a place like Meteor City makes a great motivator and training area. The harsh conditions and constant fighting allow people to constantly improve. The only downside was his fighting style got roughed down, fighting like this for a long time.

This was obvious in his first run-in with the elder. He probably could have won the fight the first time, but his instincts as a hitman and his style had been severely run down from living in Meteor City and fighting as such.

Luckily, that small fight was enough to give him a wake-up call and start to release all that he had learned as a hitman.

Soon the truck slowly pulled into a dark alley and came to a stop, allowing a group of people to get out of the car.

"Let's find a place to stay for now," Chrollo suggested.

Although the group was used to living in Meteor City with rough conditions, finding a place to stay for the night was still important.

"After we find a place to stay, we will find someone with information on Nen to learn more about the world and try and fill in the gaps of knowledge Loki, and I have on Nen," Chrollo spoke while looking around.

"Once we find a place to stay, we can also open your Aura Nodes." Said Loki looking at Franklin, Feitan, and Pakunoda.

"Speaking of a place to stay, though…." Loki said while looking at a rundown building. Chrollo, seeing this, also looked in the same direction as Loki before his eyes widened in realization.

"I believe that will fit our specifications for now. We don't want to stand out too much and have no money." Chrollo spoke, nodding slightly.

With that, the group left the abandoned building and began setting up some areas to live in. With this, Loki and Chrollo began opening the three people's Aura Nodes.

While this was happening, Uvogin was currently complaining to Nobunaga and Machi.

"Come on! I want to go outside and look at the city well!" Uvogin said excitedly while shaking his arms.

"Not yet. You must at least wait for Loki or Chrollo to go with you. We have no idea of the dangers outside." Machi said calmly.

Nobunaga heard this and just shrugged. This guy was already starting to act more like a lazy uncle…

"Come on, Nobunaga! Don't you want to go get your sword fixed?!" Said Uvogin excitedly.

Hearing this, Nobunaga shrugged a bit and nodded. He also had some things he wanted to do contrary to his lazy look.

"I guess you're right. I did want to get my sword fixed and sharpened." Said Nobunaga with a lazy look.

"You two can go, but you need to be careful. Everything must be done slowly, and don't rush; we just arrived here after all." Chrollo suddenly spoke, walking towards them with Loki walking somewhat behind.

Loki and Chrollo had already finished opening the other's Aura Nodes. Franklin was currently marveling at the power of Nen, while Feitan and Pakunoda were much more reserved. Feitan was currently sitting in a corner trying to think of how he wanted to devolope this power, while Pakunoda was calmly watching the others.

After Loki and Chrollo finished this, they happened to see Uvogin shaking and excited. Hearing the conversation, Chrollo decided to step in.

"Hmm… I'll join the two of them as I want to fix my mask and get a new outfit. Don't need them causing trouble after all." Said Loki with a smirk.

This way, Loki could keep them out of trouble and get some of the things he wanted to be done. Chrollo, who heard this, also relaxed a bit. Although he let them out, he was still worried about it, but he knew he couldn't keep them here as they would get too excited. He just hoped they wouldn't cause too much trouble.

"Loki! What do you mean by that? Whatever, you can come with us then!" Uvogin said with a big smile and a laugh while walking out of the rundown building.

After seeing this, Nobunaga and Loki also quickly followed after him and quickly disappeared into the city.