Chapter 14: Farewell

"Is it okay for you to leave those there, Honey?"

"Sure. Well, that's what Tita Karie said. Well, she even came here. Hahaha!"

Tony just laughed at what the Honey had said. He glanced at her and that's just how he admired it. He admits that Honey is not her type of woman, but it is more likely that he will like her too, in some point.

Just to be clear, he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her. Actually, he is getting married at the end of the year. If ever he had a sibling, he would like if it's like Honey, they would vibe.

"Well, why are you in dress?" He was referring to the dress she's wearing that reached to the knee. Honey angrily sat down on the chair and stared at the large flat screen TV. "'My friends. They knew I don't wear dresses, unless it was for grades so they made me do my weakness. Are they really my friends?"

"Why?" Tony's laughing how she's behaving now. It looks like nothing though she's frowning.

"It's like this... It's was raining. College days. We walked to town, and the conversation, we will go to the mall first. But my shoes, a lot of mud on it so I removed it on the edge side of the road, because it's not allowed to go in unless you're wearing foot socks over it!"

"So, did you wear foot socks?"

"No! Their banter lasted only a minute. They laughed eventually."

"It's terrible!"

"You said it. When I arrived at my friend's house, they said it's a dress code, in my panic I borrowed a dress. Then, later on I was told they planned it? When I have children, I will not make them godmothers!"

"Chill, Honey."

"I'm chill, Tony."

They just laughed at each other. Sometimes, with so many problems, it's good to look back at the things that can make life easier.


"Uhmm… How are you?" Percy almost jumped out of bed when he heard a voice. He thought it was Honey who came in and ignored him. It's been a while since she's nagging him. He also felt sorry for her when she saw the panic of seeing him almost lose his breath.

But, anyway.

If it's Honey, she must have been thrown something to him.

"Come in." Why do I stutter?

Why is Jenny here? Since last week, she's has been ignoring them.

"Here. I brought some… fruits." Jenny couldn't look at him. Percy's wishing like him, she would dared to look at him.

"You shouldn't have brought that."

"Sorry." He slap his mouth at what he said.

What is that, Percy?

He didn't mean to sound grumpy, but he really wasn't.

"I mean, I will also going home after the dextrose runs out." Jenny looked at him hesitantly and he immediately pointed to the dextrose attached to his left hand. "You should have just waited at home. I will also go home."

"Because it's Tita Karie. A bit exaggerated. Hehe." And she looked away again.

And the room filled with silence between them.

What is it, Percival? You gonna hear Honey's sermon again when you don't move. Here's your chance.

He swallowed at the same time, "Are you still angry? I know you think Honey is helping me because she's mad at– your ex. But no. I asked for her help. I just thought... if she become my close friend, I will be get close to you too. Honestly, I just want to hear what you have to say. I don't expect you to love me right away.

"I just want to hear if…

"Is there hope for me?" His chest was pounding hard. It's not like the ones he used to love.


It's different.

He laughs wryly for the second time today, she looks away.

"Nah. Don't answer. Please just close the door." He said again and covered himself with a blanket.

If what he did wasn't enough, that's fine.

For him, he did the right thing.

Jenny slowly walked out of Percy's room and closed the door softly. Then she ran away from there. She turned to the right and let the tears flow from her eyes.

"I just want to hear if…

Is there any hope for me?"

You have a chance, but I don't want you to think in the end that you're just a rebound. Jenny wanted to say it, but she didn't know why she hesitated.

She could ask him to wait...

Cody also said, Percy's gonna wait.

But why?

Why can't she say?

What's stopping her?"


"just a moment, Tony.. Percy was calling." Honey points to the cellphone that keeps ringing.

"Go ahead."

She moved a little away from him and answered the call. "I'm out of dextrose. Where are you?"

"Here at the hospital reception. Watching Hehe. It's Dora live action. Hehe."

"Come here. Let's settle the bill."

"Okay. On the way."

After the call, she said goodbye to Tony.

When Honey got to Percy's room, Jenny wasn't there. She was about to ask Percy but he didn't seem to be in the mood.


When the nurse arrived, the nurse instructed what to do. It didn't take long for her to finish the payment.

Honey and Percy were in the taxi sitting next to each other at the back seat. Something's really fishy.

"So, what happened?" Honey started.

"Nothing. Time's up."

"Ows, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I'm not that stupid to insist on the impossible." He looked outside and lightly wiped his face.

"So, no more surprises?"

"If you want to say reconcile with her, go. Just don't mention my name that I did something and everything else."

"Okay? Actually, I can't continue that either."

Percy turned to her because Honey's tone was different. No jokes hint on it.

"Why is that?

Honey sighed before speaking, "Papa called and I heard the frustrations in his voice. And my conscience almost ate me. I should've given him a life where he worries no more."

"So?" She laughed that it was him who seemed to be asking.

"So, I accepted the offer of Fiona & Goons. Did you know that? World famous restaurant. That email was a few months ago. But when I tried last night, they replied and were still willing to accept me. I also immediately sent a resume last night. And my departure was on Jenny's birthday. That's why I want you to be okay. But some plans didn't go well.

"Your reaction is terrible! Hahahaha!" Because Percy's mouth is open.

"And you never said a word?"

"There is. Right, I told you."

"And just me?"

"Of course not. My family knows. t

Tita Karie too."

"And you're going to leave it at that?"


"What the!" Honey move away from Percy's sudden shouting. The driver also looked at them.

"Low down, Percy."

"You can't leave!"

"And why?"

"Cody hasn't even confessed to you yet!" Percy held his mouth at what was said.

"Confessing? Of?" Honey asked with a laugh.

"Nothing! I did not say anything!"

"Really? Spill it."

Percy hit his face on the mirror next to him. You're a bigot, Percival!

"He likes you."

Honey about to laugh but she saw that his words were serious. "Me? Eh, isn't it..."

"I know. With his exes, you are far different."

"Do you mean I'm ugly?" Honey raised her eyebrows as high as they could possibly reach.

"No! You are beautiful, and having you as my sister is my dream. Seriously! It feels like we were siblings in our past lives. What he liked about you, maybe, you know what you want in life. You can live without a man in your life. Now, you got me?"

She didn't know the right answer.

"I still don't get it." His face fell.

"Don't think about it. So, you don't plan to tell Jenny?"

"Maybe not."

Percy was about to add something when the car stopped in front of their house. After paying the driver, they quietly entered the house.


"TELL me where it hurts?" Manley asked the young patient. Because she is an American, and does not know the Tagalog language. He gently squeezed the upper part of her stomach again. Follow up check up on the child. He prescribed something to drink for a week and if it still hurts, just keep drinking.

The child was requested from the pediatrician friend who's not available at the moment.

"Not anymore." This is a snorted answer that the kid is obviously bored.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Mommy let me drink my medicine always." Point to the mother beside her.

"Wow! That only means you're very good." He turned to her mother. "Ma'am, you can now stop the medication. And for other assessment, her pediatrician will take over."

The woman clutched her chest. "Thank God! Thank you doc!"

"No problem. I'll send my assessment to her pediatrician. Please look on her as you can." "I will doc. Thank you again. Come on, honey. Say thank you." The woman said to her child.

He smiled as she stood up and took something from the bag and came to him. "Thank you doc. Here's my gift... for helping us."

"Wow. An apple?"

"Yes, doc. Because, you seem shy to smile. Come on, Mom." And dragged her mother out of the OPD.

"An apple a day, makes the doctor away. The child is so cute, right, Doc." The nurse assigned to them said.

He just shook his head. "How about you, Doc? You don't want to settle down yet?

"And you killed me?" He answered laughing.

"Doc! I mean, get married?"

Manley pause on what she said.

Why he didn't ask Thea for marriage again? Though it was her who's initiating to get married?

"Ahm, excuse me."

He didn't notice of the nurse leaving thinking she offended him.

Honey is in the way. But there's still a problem,

It's Cody.

Is there going anything between the two?

Or, is he the only one who thinks like that?

But, no.

Cody doesn't bring a woman as his girlfriend without introducing her. Everyone that he brought there was he introduced as his girlfriend.

Except for Honey.

And according to his mother's story, he wants her for his grandson.

He turned the car to the right and went straight to the nearby mall. He intended to cool down first.

This thought consumed him too much.


Jenny was surprised to see that she was the only one in their room now. Her friend's bed was neatly arranged as if it hadn't been touched.

"Where is he?" She asked absently. She got off the bed after fixing it.

She was going to make coffee, but when she e just carried the thermos, it was effortless.

Jenny put the coffee on, then went to the other house to ask for hot water. She found Aunt Karie giving Sandy a bath and going to church.

"Tita, Can I have hot water?" She said.

"Just help yourself." And she he entered the kitchen.

When she entered, she found Percy there and also having coffee.

Talking on the phone with someone.

"Insane! I'm going to take you, don't you want?.... What the? Then, why did you leave so early?... Nah. Because you are crazy…. See? You don't have a place to stay yet, hmm?"

Jenny didn't notice that her grip on the cup tightened.

"Hahahahaha! Apologies. I have a friend there, I'll call him later.... Don't worry... You're exaggerating, Honey! All right, just call me when you get there…. Yes. Take care!"

She was surprised to see him looking at her. And it looks like the conversation is over with– Honey.

"Oh. Just getting hot water." She said to avoid his gaze.

He put his hands in the pockets of his pants. "Go ahead." He answered then left.

Until Percy was gone, her breathing still did not return to normal. Until she didn't realize the tears in her eyes. She immediately removed it because someone might see it, but it kept dripping.

"No one even greeted me."

When noon comes, Jenny ate alone in her apartment with Honey. Until she noticed the envelope on the table. She thought their rent bill or the electricity bill, but it wasn't.

It contains about ten thousand. And there is a list included.

[3000 – rent

2000 – food budget

1000 – electricity

1500 – water

1500 – my fare debt

Jenny, These are the debts I owe you. It pay it whole, so I didn't instead of tortured myself about coins.

Ps. Always take care.

Pps. Happy birthday by the way.]

Jenny was stunned by what she had read and read it again because it might be wrong. Why is Honey paying her even though she said not to?

And Jenny remembered the conversation between Percy and Honey earlier.

"Hahahahaha! Apologies. I have a friend there, I'll call him later.... Don't worry... You're exaggerating, Honey! All right, just call me when you get there…. Yes. Take care!"

Is that the reason why the bed is so tidy?

Why doesn't she know anything?!

She slammed her hand on the table as Jenny remembered how she avoided her completely.

She remembered their last conversation that brought tears to her eyes again.








It was late afternoon and Jenny had just left work when she saw her friend waiting in the parking lot next door. Honey immediately stood up and waved. "Jenny! I passed someone nearby so I thought we should go home together. How–"

"I have not forgotten what you did to me, Honey. You played me!" She interrupted what Honey was saying. Why in her behavior, it seems everything is nothing?

Why they didn't think on what she feels?

"Jenny... Let me explain –"

"I know you are a good friend but– it's too much to involve in Percy's whims?!"

"He loves you, Jenny!"

"Or, maybe it's you?" And Jenny laugh wryly.

Honey slapped her in annoyance.

"Yes, he loves me. But as a sibling! I don't get you, I'm not insisting him to you. I'm just helping him to get close to you! If... If you didn't like him, reject him! It's very simple but you're making it complicated!" And Honey turned back at away from her.







"Yes, Tita?" She wipes rashly her face and dries it. Then, open the door for the old woman.

"Happy birthday! Let's go inside!" Tita Karie invited her.

"Thank you."

"Oh, why are you sad? We bought cake for you. Let's eat."

"I thought... No one remembered."

"Come on." The old woman wrapped her arms in Jenny's shoulders. Jenny put back the envelope where she got it.

"I really thought..." She was surprised that it was not only the cake. There's spaghetti and pizza, and soft drinks. "You didn't need to–"

"You should thank Honey." Jenny look at Percy that seems going somewhere. "I'm just upstairs, Tita. I will call someone, please, tone down your voices." He left in the kitchen and went to his room.

"Let him be. Let's? Sandy, come here."

Her family called her last night. But there's something missing?

She didn't fully happy. That she didn't understand.