"Miss, you need to go with us to the station and write down a statement." the officer said.
"Why should I go to the station? Do I look like a thief?" Elena asked.
"You are still denying even after being caught?" Maddie said.
"We are just following the protocols madam, " the officer added.
"By saying protocols, do you mean listening to a one sided story?" Elena asked, she was already becoming impatient.
"Just shut up you thief! Everyone has already seen that you stole the watch, you still want to be arrogant?" Anna was very excited.
Elena took out her phone and dialed a number, the phone rang twice before it was picked up, "Hello." he said. The phone was on loud speaker.
"Nate, when are you buying me lunch?" Elena asked, she was not in a hurry, in fact she was very calm, she just sat leisurely as she crossed her legs, swinging them left to right.
"I have never seen a thief so calm like she is," one of the ladies who attended the party said.
"Officer, why are you still standing there, take her and beat her!" Anna commanded.
The officers started moving forward but before they could get a hold of her, they heard Elena saying, "General Nate, what is the charge for stealing and wrongly accusing someone?"
"My dear, I thought you know the law, weren't you the one educating me a few months ago on the charges of..." Nate was clearly flirting with Elena, which shocked everyone. The cold-blooded general who is most feared by people is now flirting with Elena!? First of all, it was really hard to get the man's number! So how did she get it?
"You don't mind saying it in front of the audience, right?" Elena cut him.
The man chuckled at the other end of the phone, "Oh, you are really daring!" He paused for a while then said, "Two years imprisonment and if you bring the culprit to my base, then I will add torture, just for you." Everyone who heard him gulped in horror, their faces becoming pale.
"Does he mean he can do anything for her!?" They whispered to each other.
Anna's face was pale because of the person's words, but she quickly hid it and said, "what, so you are trying to lie to us that you know Nate, so that the officer cannot catch you!?Do you think we are fools? Nate cannot pick or give anyone his number, especially someone like you. Who is that trash of a person trying to cover up for a thief!"
Karen gulped at Anna's words, she knew very well that was her brother, Nate. Elena and Nate were very close, even closer than how friends are, but they were not dating, if you ask them whether they are dating, they would answer that they are not each other's type.
At the couch Jace sneered," that woman does not know when to shut it, she is clearly angering the person on the other side. What a foolish woman!"
Ace who was concentrating on some girls looked a the woman who was talking and said, "Yoh, isn't that Damian's woman!?"
"Your slut here is a thief! I bet you two are thieves that's why you support each other very well." Maddie supported Anna.
Elena said nothing, there was silence, until Nate spoke, "Let me video call you. Those fools don't deserve to see my face, but I'd still do it for you, " then he cut the call. He called, not on Elena's phone but from her tablet. After Elena accepted the call, the first thing Nate said," you are more beautiful than the last time I saw you. How long has it been?"
"Don't you think this is not the right time for that?" Rita said. Her face blushing pink. Nate has been her crush since the day they accidentally met.
"Oh, Rita is also there?" Nate said, then suddenly his face changed from a doting expression to an angry one, "now who is that, that said I am a thief!"
Without hesitation, Elena turned the tablet directly towards Anna's group, those sleepy eyes and the eye catching beauty from the man caught everyone's attention, no one was breathing. Breathing seemed to be hard except for those who were used to him, "Why did you wake me up?" he asked, looking at Anna with pure anger.
"I did not wake you up," she retorted.
"I was asleep until you called me a thief and an identity thief right?" Some understood what he meant while Anna and Maddie had no idea.
"I am sorry, but I did not wake you up, that bitch was the one who woke you up!" she said, arrogantly pointing at Elena.
"You should watch your fingers young girl, the one you are pointing at, is a no joke person, she might dislocate your bones even before you know it," he said, "Elly, I need to see your face, this one is scaring me off." Everyone burst out into laughter, who new the feared Nate was funny, Anna was so embarrassed that she almost bit her lips, how could he say her face is scaring him! "So Elly, what did you steal?"
"I stole my watch!"