The General’s Delicious Wife – Chapter 6 Maternal family

Chapter 006: Maternal family

"Da Zhuang's legs are not convenient, it is better that Qin Zheng stays in the outer room with him." Xia Yue Chu has not expected her to ask this question, she responses urgently with a sugar coated answer.

"You are such a blockhead, you are no longer young and yet you are not catching the key importance." Madam Wu resents that she is not doing what is expected and pokes Xia Yue Chu in her forehead. "You are turning twenty-three soon, compare yourself to the second's wife who has two children and the third's wife is also pregnant. You started out late comparing to others, shouldn't you have a sense of urgency?"

"Mother, what are you saying?" Xia Yue Chu feigns embarrassment and droops her head down. "Da Zhuang hurt his legs and caught a cold when he was coming back. He is not well completely, letting him recover his health is more important."

"His health needs to recover, but the matter of having kids is also of priority. We have no idea how serious his injury is, if this continues to drag on and worsens to the point where he cannot make it, then, there will be no place for you to cry." Madam Wu is anxious that her blood pressure is climbing. Previously, this issue can be ignored before he comes back, but now that he has returned, it does not make sense that they do not consummate.

Madam Wu said with a sigh "This mother-in-law of yours is not an easy person, she is not Da Zhuang's birth mother, surely she will not treat you as closely as she would with her real daughters-in-law, Mother knows you have suffered much these years. Thinking back, she recognises Da Zhuang as a sore thumb and she tries to get rid of him, headstrongly sending him into the army, this kind of cruelty and underhanded means, you won't be her match."

Saying up to this point, she chants a prayer, sentimentally. "Luckily Da Zhuang is blessed with great fortune and protection, he isn't sabotaged to his death outside, imagine not being able to find his ashes, he would become a lone ghost and a lost spirit!"

Xia Yue Chu hears and receives this epiphany, she only knows that Madam Sheng in not Xue Zhuang's birth mother and never thought that something like this had happened.

No wonder Xue Zhuang treats Xue Liang Ping rather kindly, while being so apathetic towards Madam Sheng.

Madam Wu is restless with how muddled her daughter looks, pulls her to sit down as she breaks it down for her. "I have never told you these things in the past because of the uncertainty of Da Zhuang's life and death, you are alone in this Xue family and has to depend on your parents in-law to pass the days. But it is different now, Da Zhuang is back, doesn't matter if he is crippled or if he is paralysed, at least you are starting this family, you have to start learning how to plan your future together, and not be clueless as you are in the past."

"Mother, be rest assured." Xia Yue Chu is anxious to end this conversation. "Its getting late, I go prepare the meal."

"Forget it, it's fish and meat today, I'll do it instead."

Madam Wu walks out of the room and overhears Xue Liang Ping talking to Xia Hong Qing about Xue Zhuang's legs and responds. "With whatever that's said, it a good thing that he is back alive, if the body is unwell, we can take time to recuperate. He will get better eventually. I'm making a few good dishes for lunch, he needs the supplement."

Xue Liang Ping is moved and exclaims, "No wonder people always say that Mothers-in-law are especially doting to their Sons-in-law!"

"You are embarrassing me with what you said Sir-in-law, Da Zhuang and Yue Chu are a couple, if I dote on Da Zhuang, isn't it the same as doting on Yue Chu."

When Madam Wu speaks, she is direct to the point. The way she handles the chores are similarly efficient. She starts the busyness as soon as she ties on the apron.

Firstly, rinsing the rice grains clean and starts it steaming, next following closely by taking down the fish, which is hanging from the wall, with two to three strokes, she scrapes of the scales, removes the gills, and opens the stomach.

"Mother, let me help you."

Xia Yue Chu rolls up her sleeves and prepares to help but ends up being shooed away by Madam Wu.

"Knock it off, do I still not know your skills, don't be making a mess around here. If you are really bored, go and peel some onions and garlics for me."

When the words just come out from her mouth, Xue Qin enters the side room with a flat basket tray. "Madam, My mother is afraid that there might be too much going on for you and Sister-in-law, and told me to bring over some peeled onions and garlics."

"Aiyo, I was just telling Yue Chu to do it!" Madam Wu smiled brightly. "Thanks to your mother for being considerate."

She takes the onions and garlics from the tray, ladles water over them to wash it clean, lifts the knife to chop them into rough chucks, and throws them into the wok.

Only the hissing sound is heard, Sssst--

The heated soybean oil instantly releases the aroma of the onions and garlic, and that fragrance spreads to the entire kitchen area.

Xue Qin looks longingly at the fish on the cutting board and the meat hanging from the wall, and discreetly swallows her saliva.

She crowds up around the fire stove and smiles, "Madam, what is this you are making? It smells so good."

Madam Wu sees through her motive but has no plans on inviting her to join them for the meal.

There are certain topics that she is planning to bring up over lunch later, having a grown up yet unmarried lady like Xue Qin present, she would be limited in what she can say.

"If you like it, I'll get Yue Chu to deliver some over to you after its done."

Xue Qin flushes in an instant, ultimately, she is still a young lady, sending over ingredients so proactively is already considered thick-skinned.

Upon hearing this, it would be too shameful to continue pestering them, she quickly runs off even forgetting to take her basket tray.

"Your sister-in-law is a lady ten over years of age, in any case, when you were her age, you were already married. Isn't your mother-in-law too stingy? The family is so lacking in food that a lady her age would neglect her pride just for something to eat."

As Madam Wu says this, she slips the fish into the wok and carefully fries it to yellow on both sides.

She adds in some stock and seasonings, and then the covers the lid. Finally having the time to straighten her back, she examines Xia Yue Chu thoughtfully and pinches her at her waist.

"No wonder the colour on your face is so bad, if feels like you have become skinnier since the end of last year."

"It is good enough to have something to fill the stomach, where do I have it in me to care for wellness or otherwise." Xia Yue Chu rubs her indented stomach, "My mother-in-law is following behind the chicken backside everyday, losing one of the eggs would make her fight with her life."

"How can this go on?" Madam Wu's expression gets grimmer and grimmer. "Skinny to the bones like this won't be easy when you have a child."

"…" Xia Yue Chu is speechless for a moment, how is it that everything they say can be directed to the topic on child rearing?

Madam Wu is apparently used to doing chores, lunch is prepared speedily.

She decides not to call for Madam Sheng, only getting Xia Yue Chu to deliver a portion of dishes over to her. The rest of the family are tactfully not mentioned, they split up naturally into two groups for lunch.

The Northern practice is to serve dishes in huge portions, there is only four dishes and one soup served in small basins and large bowls, and it fills up the table completely.

Madam Wu brings out an earthen jar of wine and puts it along the brick bed, smiling as she begins. "Today we celebrate Da Zhuang coming home, Da Zhuang's health is not too good so you shouldn't be drinking, the rest of us should all have a little."

She pours the drink to the brim for Xue Liang Ping and Xia Hong Qing, turning her head to Qin Zheng.

"Little brother Qin, do you want a little?"

Qin Zheng has not had a single drop ever since he left the military, his stomach is already in a skirmish when he sees that wine jar. Now that he smells the perfume of wine, although it is not an exceptional quality wine, he cannot help but to move his bowl closer for a pour, "Thank you Madam, please give me just half a bowl full."

"Let's dig in while its hot, don't restrain yourselves."

Madam Wu is someone who loves to get busy, pouring wine for Qin Zheng, serving Xue Zhuang a few chopsticks full of pork belly and pickle vegetables stew, in the same motion of serving food she picks up a big chunk of fish meat and puts it into Xue Yue Chu's bowl.

"Yue Chu, look at how skinny you are, you must eat more, building up your strength will help you deliver your baby smoother in the future."


Translator Note:

If you need more visual aid to understand this story, I suggest you google search the items with a prefix term "Old Chinese". For example, "old Chinese flat basket tray", "old Chinese trunk", "old Chinese brick bed", etc.

Translated by Yellow. Aug 2022.