TGDW – Chapter 59 Bad Intentions

The General's Delicious Wife Chapter 059: Bad Intentions

Madam Sheng had her stomach filled with spite, but she could not do anything to Xue Liang Ping. She spent the whole morning wrecking everything in and around the house, cursing and swearing, and scolded the whole family from the old to the young.

Xue Zhuang and Xia Yue Chu were busy with their own things in the house, acting as if they could not hear it.

Xue Li and Xue Yong were used to hearing this since a long time ago, so they continued sleeping with their doors shut.

Qin Zheng came back from town early in the morning, and when he entered the door, he came into direct contact with Madam Sheng's temper.

"Why are you running around like a panicked chicken so early in the morning!" Madam Sheng threw the basket in her hand, lecturing as if a nose was not a nose and a face was not a face, "You are such a big young man who doesn't work and don't make money, what does it look like to you, just wasting your time away wandering idly in town? You think the rice grains at home fell from the sky to us? Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, doesn't it all need money? I didn't say anything when it was cold, but now that it's warm, isn't it time to find a job to do."

Qin Zheng's trip to the town selling medicinal candy had not been publicized, so he excused himself, "Isn't it almost time to start working in the field, I was taking the opportunity before it gets busy to see what's happening in town."

"What's there to see, will what's happening give you money? You are not young anymore, you should also consider marrying a wife and starting a family. Men have to make money to support their families. How are you going to become the pillar of your family if all you think about is playing?"

Madam Sheng had calculated in her heart before, she wanted to matchmake her niece from her mother's family with Qin Zheng, so she felt that she should restrained him, and her tone eased slightly.

Qin Zheng could not help shivering when he heard this weird elder manner of speaking and looked at the smirk forced out of Madam Sheng's face.

Could it be that he was sick from being in the rain last night?

He raised his hand to touch his forehead, it was not hot either!

Madam Sheng rolled her eyes, wondering why this kid looked so stupid, and continued patiently, "Although you are not from the Xue family, you are a brother who has lived through the life and death situations with Da Zhuang, this aunt will treat you with care as someone of a younger generation. If I have to say, you are young and strong now. It's time to make money by working very hard, save some money, this aunt will help you find a good wife, by that time how becoming your days are going to be... ..."

Qin Zheng had goose bumps all over his body when he heard this, and thought to himself that he would like to find out what the wicked old woman was plotting again.

He smiled and said, "Madam, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. As long as it is good to me, I will naturally listen to it."

Seeing that Qin Zheng's attitude was positive, Madam Sheng became more and more satisfied, "I have been inquiring for you over the past few days, they are hiring lumberjacks in the mountain right now! You are not a local, so you may not know about this lumberjacks, not only will they take care of your food and lodging, the wages they are paying is also more than odd jobs you could find in town, you can just go up to the mountains and work hard for two years, and come back to buy a few acres of land. By then, your wife and your children and your comfortably warm brick bed... ..."

Qin Zheng was already furious when he heard Madam Sheng talking about the lumberjack. He concluded in his heart that she was setting a trap up for him because of his ignorance on what the lumberjacks do, and she planned to trick him to go up into the mountains, wishing him dead up there. By then, nobody would be there to protect his Big Brother.

When he thought that if he had died, his Big Brother would have inconvenience moving around, and surely he would be bullied and humiliated by them... ...

Qin Zheng's anger became all the more uncontrollable. He interrupted Madam Sheng's agitated monologue, and he could not care about being low-key and patient which his Big Brother had told him to do. He sneered, "I still thought you really changed your character and really wanted to plan for me. Who knew it was such a vicious idea, really treating others as fools to deceive?"

Madam Sheng was speaking happily, then she was suddenly choking and fell backwards. She could not react in the moment and listened to Qin Zheng scolding her for some time in a daze. When he was about to leave, she recovered from her shock, taking off the shoe on her feet and hit with it.

"You little turtle hatchling who doesn't know what's good or bad, this madam here kindly planned for you, not only you are ungrateful, you even scold me. We kindly took you in, what good manners you have, eating not much lesser than anyone else, yet not getting any chores done at all, just wandering about idly everyday, even loitering in the town! I think you should go back to wherever you came from, hurry up and get out of here!"

"I didn't eat yours, and I lived with my Big Brother. You have no right to kick me out!"

"Can he earn gold or can he earn silver now? Relying on him, you can only have the mountain caves to sleep in and the tree barks chew on! This house belongs to our old Xue family, and it's fine that the people from the old Xue family lives in it. What's the matter with you living here as an outsider? Either you can pay the rent every month, or you can pack up your things and get out of here!"

How could Qin Zheng endure this? He was so angry that he pulled out a handful of copper coins from his inner pocket, hurled it hardheadedly at Madam Sheng and spat, "Your eyes are stuck to the money, did you think that I am a lazy failure like your two sons? I'm telling you, this mister here has his own way of making money!"

As he said this, he grabbed a handful of copper coins from his inner pocket and threw it at Madam Sheng, "This is this month's, an old elder like you should keep it well!"

Madam Sheng was smashed everywhere and in her face, it hurt so much that she was seeing stars, but looking at the estimated hundred of copper coins on the floor, instantly, she could not feel the pain anymore.

She looked at Qin Zheng doubtfully, still a little suspicious in her heart, her eyes rolled around and began speaking in a twisted manner. "Where did you get so much money? It couldn't be that you went to town gambling? Aiyo, I dare not take this kind of money, something bad will happen in the future!"

At the end of the day, Qin Zheng was still young and vigorous. Even when he knew that Madam Sheng was using a provoking method, he could not withhold himself from saying, "This mister here is doing proper business, I will give you a hundred copper coins every month from now on, you stop trying to take charge of the head and the feet (Meaning: stop being controlling)!"

When Madam Sheng heard that there would be one hundred copper coins every month, this was really an accidental windfall. She did not bother to talk to Qin Zheng anymore, quickly squatted down and gathered all the copper coins together.

She turned it over and counted it twice, then found a piece of rope to string it up, and went back to the room happily.

As soon as Madam Sheng entered the house, the curtain on the other side of the West wing was lifted, revealing half of Madam Zhou's face, that was with a thoughtful look.

Madam Sheng went straight to the West wing house with the money to see Xue Ping, and asked joyfully, "Da Ping, what do you want to eat, should Mother buy you some pork ribs for a stewed soup?"

Xue Ping leaned on the brick bed with a sickly expression, sighed and said, "Mother, don't busy yourself, I don't want to eat anything."

"Aiya, how can you continue like this everyday, a miscarriage is the same as giving birth, if the confinement is not done well, you could easily catch an illness in the future." Madam Sheng looked at her daughter anxiously and helplessly.

After Xue Ping had a miscarriage, Madam Sheng cooked food for her every day in a different way, and Xue Qin accompanied her to chat and relieved her boredom. At first, time passing for her was quite recuperating.

But ever since Feng Yong Yuan left in a rage, and there was no news after that, she began to feel nervous.

If it had not been for her poor health and inability to travel after the miscarriage, she would have been in a hurry to go home.

Seeing that the days for the magistrate examination had passed, she did not know how Feng Yong Yuan had fared, and no one from the Feng family came to send a letter.

Counting the days that had passed, it was also the time for her in-laws to return from their hometown with her son, they have been separated for more than a month, and now that she had just lost another unformed child, it made her missed her son very much.

Xue Ping had stored these things in her heart, and she frequently could not sleep well at night, her energy became more and more sluggish.




Translator Notes:

Translated by YellowBean.