A friend or a foe?!

Happy Reading!


Bai Xi's Pov:

A hand suddenly shot out and held mine steadfastly, clasping tight onto my hand and and kept me there, not pulling me in, only keeping me hanging mid air....with my upper torso hanging off the cliff and legs rooted to the ground below at the cliff's edge.

I looked at the guy holding onto my hand, dark black eyes and a head full of messy hair staring at me, while incredulously looking at me.

"What cat got your tongue that you even forgot to ask help." He chuckled at me and that snapped me back into my precarious situation which I realised belatedly may result badly for me.

I must have looked quite freaked out by all this because he pulled me right up on my feet in the next second.

I heaved hard, that was a close one. For a second I felt the pull of gravity so hard, I almost thought I would fell down to my death.

I gulped huge amount of air as I felt myself breathing hard.

After finally the grasp of myself, I glared furiously at the guy standing in front of me.

"You, you are the reason I could have died. Have you lost your mind, scaring me like that. What if I had actually fell down." I snapped at him with a furious tone.

"But I didn't let you fall, and I also saved you right." he said contemplatingly, "So technically I am your Saviour and that means you should thank me very nicely."

"You idiot, You were the reason I was in this situation. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have even been like that, So don't act all saviour on me and stop trying to be smart with me. You almost killed me." I countered and then blamed him.

"Shush women, why are you acting so dramatically. You are safe, right. And that's all that matters, right?" he said with a smirk lifting his lips upwards in a mocking way.

Damn, his answer only infuriated me more.

"I thought after the act you put up and the amount of bravity you showed back there, I didn't think you would be so easily scared of anything. But geez, not a second later you almost peed in your pants. I honestly credited you more than you deserved. You are nothing more than a coward, just with a lot of acting skills and a hell lot of overconfidence." He said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Shut up okay. You don't know me and I was not putting on an act. I seriously don't give a shit about whatever you think about me but just to make myself clear, I am not afraid of you and sure not afraid of this height. It's just you caught me off guard which mind you, it was your fault."

He ignored what I said and asked instead, "But you were scared, right?" He threw a backward glace at my back before saying, "...of heights?"

"Yes only because you creeped me out like a psychopath" I flickered a glace behind me while keeping myself from shuddering and proving his point.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off by raising my voice, and I clearly said, "I am not scared of heights and now I only felt a little uncertain because I couldn't help it, when you suddenly came behind me, so I just got a momentary shock, nothing else."

I emphasized my last words more to make him understand that I am not scared of heights or him and his bullshit.

He tried to say more but I glared at him hard which shut him off real quickly and he motioned zipping his mouth close with his hand.

I scoffed at his action and he mimicked me which earned him a smack from my hand.

"Geez, you are brutal." he said rubbing the spot which I know didn't hurt him but he is just being dramatic about about it.

"Oops, sorry if that hurt you or your fragile self."

He chuckled on that and continued, "So, now that you have calmed down, what are you doing here, if you're so afraid of heights."

"I am not afraid, just not fond of them."

He cocked his eyebrow at me, indicating me to explain, but if he a total stranger expects me to explain my actions then he has another thing coming.

"I am getting late for my next class, so please excuse me." With that I picked up my bag and tried to walk past him. But he still hovered there and clicked his tongue at me, stopping me with his action.

I turned to look at him while still walking backwards, and arched a brow at him to make him explain his action.

"You said you are not a coward, but I say you are. The biggest of them."

I frowned at him in return, not understanding what he was trying to imply.

He smiled, "if not then you wouldn't have been using an alias in the place of your name which I do know, "He paused, "you know the real one...."

I looked at him in shock, my stance nothing more than a stone with his accurate counterattack. But I didn't let doubt creep up on my face, to not give him more than what he already knows.

I haven't even told him or anybody else here my alias name, lest my real one. I wonder how he knows I have taken an admission here with my alias rather than my real name.

"Oh so now I have got your full attention right?"

"Hi, my name is Si Ruan."