The Thanking

Everyone was listening to Kyung-Soo quietly and nodding at his every word. Nivritti tried looking at him but would lower her eyes after every glance.

"So, I am not fired?" she stammered.

Bong, who was quietly looking at all the sparks flying between Kyung-Soo and Nivritti, the looks they kept exchanging, the obvious tension between them, came forward and said, "that's not the reason you are here. We wanted to, no, I wanted to thank you for using your fast-thinking brain to get out of that situation quickly. You took care of yourself, San-ssi's daughter, and June. You made sure no one knew he was famous or travelling with bodyguards. Everyone thinks he was some CEO. You got the CCTV footage. The way you handled everything was amazing. I would like to reward you with a bonus."

"What?" shouted Nivritti. 

"I will inform the finance team and they will be in touch with you," smiled Bong.