The Awkwardness

Everyone except Mrs San was feeling awkward and embarrassed. It was clear that she dragged everyone to Nivritti's house to thank her for everything she did for her daughter.

"Uhmma, Ahppa, leave. Your friends must be waiting for you. Also, this is so embarrassing," pouted Jae-Hwa.

"No, no, have something first," screamed Nivritti from the kitchen. She turned to look in the living room and found that Jae-Hwa was pulling them up from the couch.

"They are leaving," emphasised Jae-Hwa.

"No guests who come to my house leave without eating or drinking. I have never even offered them a glass of water. They are staying. Please stay!" protested Nivritti.

Jae-Hwa's parents looked at her for permission.

"Fine! Give them water," sulked Jae-Hwa and sat on the couch rolling her eyes.

"What happened to you? Yesterday you were a puddle of tears and today you are acting all feisty and bossy," teased Nivritti.