The Idiot

Nivritti sighed with relief, but her heart was racing with fear. She thought that her secret was about to be revealed. Maybe finally Apeksha would realise that she was in Korea. She was praying to God to not let that happen.

"Di! Di!" Apeksha kept shouting.

"Yeah, I am here," said Nivritti and faced her sister.

Apeksha raised her eyebrow and looked at her, disappointed. "You know you muted yourself, right?"

"Oh, sorry!" said Nivritti after unmuting herself. Apeksha shook her head in disappointment.

"And she calls me, an idiot," Apeksha facepalmed.

"Yeah, okay, enough drama," scolded Nivritti. "How are you? How is mom? How is dad?"

"Everyone is okay and why were you acting weird? It's not like you were watching porn, it was just k-drama," noted Apeksha.

"Yeesh! Shut up!" scolded Nivritti.