The Accident

"Rencontre scripts judges have found cases of plagiarism. Please note that such tactics to win the contest will not be tolerated in any case. From now on, the judges will run the scripts through a plagiarism checker and if the plagiarised words are more than 40%, then the script will be rejected and the username will be banned from posting any more scripts.

We know the punishment is harsh but so is copying/stealing someone else's work. There will be a few chances in servers so please don't be disheartened if you could not log in or the server hangs. The proper time for maintenance of the site will be posted later.

Again, we would like to emphasise that you are welcome to post as many scripts as you want just don't copy someone's hard work. We know how much hard work and creativity go into the writing process. So, let's be kind to one another and appreciate each other's work. All the best to everyone participating."