The Fistfight

Nivritti kept mumbling about her day to Young-Chul. Without realising, she woke him up, but he kept silent and listened to her. Slowly, he went back to sleep again. She kept waiting for Kyung-Soo to arrive, but he was taking his sweet time.

When she had exhausted every topic, she grabbed her phone and scrolled for a long time. Yawn after yawn signalled her that she was too tired.

"You are sleeping, NK is late, I have exhausted every topic to talk to you. Well, you are not talking, I am just babbling about. I think I will rest my head for a bit. I am not sleeping just resting," yawned Nivritti and she put her head down on her upper arm.

Within minutes she was in deep sleep. She was already tired after not sleeping well last night and the whole day for her was hectic. She was worried for Young-Chul, then angry that no one replied to her messages, and on top of that she was nervous that she had to give a presentation to the CEO again.