The First Attempt

After working for the whole day, it was time to leave for home. Nivritti was pondering upon whether to visit Young-Chul in the hospital. Going there every day would make people gossip about her. But Korain invited her, and she didn't want him to think that his words had no value.

She was shutting down her laptop but kept biting her lips.

"What are you thinking about?" interjected Jae-Hwa.

"Huh…" Nivritti raised her head and looked at Jae-Hwa. She didn't hear a single word that she said.

"Who are you thinking about that you didn't hear a word I just said," teased Jae-Hwa.

"What? No one!" shouted Nivritti.

"Woah! Such a violent reaction. You were thinking about someone. Tell me, tell me," teased Jae-Hwa.

"I was thinking about PJ. Have not seen him flirt with you for days," Nivritti teased back.

"Hey! Shush! People can hear you," scolded Jae-Hwa. "Don't talk nonsense."