The Grumpiness

Smiling and laughing with Jae-Hwa, Nivritti forgot about ASD. The whole day she just received messages from them, she never replied to anyone. She was afraid that Jae-Hwa might glance at her phone and find out who she was messaging and then she would bombard her with questions. She wanted to avoid that at every condition.

Even after they came to bed, they kept chatting about the emotional movie they saw. They forgot about other movies that they saw. They wished each other goodnight and turned away from each other to sleep.

As soon as they stopped talking, Nivritti's mind went directly to Young-Chul. She knew that he was doing great and working well with his therapist, but he had a long way to go. He would need steady help. His physical symptoms were all gone after spending days in the hospital and his mental symptoms needed great care.