The Flights of Stairs

Nivritti kept staring at Kyung-Soo. He threatened to carry her for the whole day. It was difficult to get her shoes on and after his warning, she was fumbling with her shoes even more.

"No!" shouted Nivritti and gulped in fear. She immediately pushed her feet into the shoes and was ready to go out. Kyung-Soo lowered himself slightly to lift her up when she shouted, "wait! I have to lock the door."

Kyung-Soo exhaled in frustration, "fine!" He was dying to lift her, but she kept delaying. He wanted to feel her close. "Wait! Your door automatically locks when you shut it close." He placed his hands over his waist and looked at her. "Trying to make a fool out of me?"

Nivritti placed her tongue between her teeth and lowered her head to avoid detection.