The Therapy Session

Kyung-Soo glanced at Jeong-Eun and Jeong-Eun in return glanced at Kyung-Soo. They both knew that they didn't go for cola. They went to Nivritti's house to demand answers from her. Nivritti said that she would set up a meeting for Jeong-Eun and Jae-Hwa but now he was not even going to see the whole Rencontre team.

"No hyung, it's fine. I can drive him," said Kyung-Soo urgently.

"I said I will drive him and that is the end of the discussion," rebuked Korain.

"I will come too," announced Jeong-Eun. He had to see Nivritti. He had to talk to her.

"Why?" asked Korain.

"Youngie Hyung needs support. His doctor said so," replied Jeong-Eun.

"I will be there to support him. What are you talking about?" scolded Korain.