The Paranoia

On Sunday, Him-Chan kept throwing tantrums that he didn't get his day and had to spend his day with all his team members. He kept shouting that it was not fair and that everyone should leave.

"Hey! I too didn't spend my time alone with her. Jae was here yesterday," scolded Jeong-Eun.

"Yeah, but you were more than happy," mumbled Nivritti. Jeong-Eun who was sitting close to her heard her jibe and stared at her with squinted eyes.

"What?" she mouthed at him. He just shook his head in disbelief and looked away from her mumbling curses at her. She stifled her laughter and looked at everyone talking and laughing at Him-Chan.

"Enough of your pouting and shouting," scolded Korain. "So, what is happening with the script department Jae?" he asked Jae-Hwa.

"Oh, don't ask. We are under so much pressure. And so many rumours going around the building," Jae-Hwa rolled her eyes.

"Rumours?" asked Jeong-Eun.