The Stolen Credit

Both Nivritti and Jae-Hwa looked at each other with shock and contempt. What was Missmatch talking about? How could she call them 'bottom of the barrel'? It was a good thing that she praised Chung-Ho, but why was she saying nice words about Dae? He was the one who fumbled in the interview.

They both again looked at the blog and scrolled all the way down to read up the mentioned names. It started with Hu Bong and then she mentioned the PR head, Baek Myung Dae, People from the IT team like Ravi Kumar and Alice Yong were named too. When it came to the script team only two names were written, Choi Chung-Ho and Seong Dae.

"What does she mean by Rencontre Script was Dae's idea?" asked Jae-Hwa. "Who told her that lie?"

"I have no idea," replied Nivritti and she bit her lips. Jae-Hwa noticed that she was looking directly in front of her, but her irises kept moving left to right as she was deep in thought.