The Begging

Nivritti kept staring at Bong and Chung-Ho with fear. She had no idea what both would do. Chung-Ho was not ready to back down and Bong was determined to talk to Nivritti. No one knew what to do in that situation. The whole department just kept standing in their position frozen. They were scared of both Bong and Chung-Ho yet didn't want to miss any gossip.

"Ms. Nivritti Rathod! I need to talk to you. Could you please ask him to back down?" requested Bong.

"Um… Sir! He is my boss. I cannot make him do anything," replied Nivritti.

"I get that all of you are angry at me. But if I don't talk to you, how do you think this issue would get solved?" questioned Bong.

"So, you are here to solve the issue?" interrupted Chung-Ho.

"Of course, why do you think I am here?" protested Bong.

"I don't know. To find a patsy for some other crime," taunted Chung-Ho.