The Guard's Cabin

To Nivritti's surprise, all three kept shouting at her, scolding her for even suggesting that she was going to follow Dae and find out what he was planning and who he was meeting with. She waited for another minute but when they didn't stop, she spoke up.

"Done? Are you guys done?" she asked.

"If you think…" Jung-Hwa started scolding her.

"You can come too," she interrupted him and dangled a temptation before him. She had heard Jung-Hwa saying that he was some sort of detective and investigating a real-life case would of course intrigue him. Her words immediately shut him up. She could not help but started smiling at Jung-Hwa.

"No! No one is going. No one is barging into anyone's personal life," rebuked Jeong-Eun.

"You are invited too obviously," Nivritti rolled her eyes.

"Well, when you say it like that," Jeong-Eun instantly pursed his lips and nodded at her.

"Are you sure? What if we are wrong?" asked Jae-Hwa.