The Little Kid

Nivritti looked up and realised that she and Jae-Hwa might have offended the boys. She gulped and licked her lips as the stare of the boys was making her nervous. "Um…"

Him-Chan closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. "This girl! one second she makes me angry and the very next second she makes my heart skip a beat. someone needs to tell her to stop licking her lips."

"Yeah, like what?" yelled Thae.

"Like your colleagues, your friend what else, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha," Nivritti grinned and laughed trying to make up for her mistake.

"Shut up!" scolded Him-Chan as it was too hard to handle her cuteness. "So, it's fine if you are friends with us inside the K&Q building, no, no, not even inside the building, only inside the practise room. But after leaving here, we should act as if we don't know you guys?"

"Um… yes?" replied Jae-Hwa with doubt.

"Yes, like a secret friendship!" added Nivritti.