The Issues to Solve

Him-Chan was sleeping peacefully when he heard Young-Chul and Kyung-Soo screaming at the top of their lungs. He was surprised to hear that someone caught Kyung-Soo inside the house. It was hard to see him last few days.

He ran to Kyung-Soo's room and saw Young-Chul shouting at the leader.

"What is happening here?" asked Him-Chan and Young-Chul just yelled at him to get out and keep an eye on the door. He was given the job of making sure that no one enters the room while Young-Chul rips Kyung-Soo.

Him-Chan went outside and placed his ears on the door. He had to listen to what his elder brothers were talking about. Young-Chul kept asking about what was wrong with Kyung-Soo and he would reply that he had to sleep.