The Gifts

"Stop laughing! What? What did I say?" asked Thae.

"Okay, okay, enough! Stop laughing at him, everyone, I mean it," said Nivritti and stood next to Thae. "We told you not to say things like that in front of everyone, just Hi, Hello, nothing else," she whispered to him.

"But he is talking to you guys, she is talking to you guys. I thought if the CEO talks to you casually, why can't we? After all, we are friends," pouted Thae after gesturing towards Bong and Eun-Ae.

"Oh yeah! He is right. Now, we don't have to act like we are just COLLEAGUES," Young-Chul teased and lifted one of his eyebrows at Nivritti.

"Okay what is happening now?" asked Bong.

"They had some notions about how we all should act during the party. They wanted to protect themselves as well as us. They thought if someone sees them talking to us, it will again create a scandal," explained Korain and rolled his eyes.

"See, always thinking about us," said Young-Chul.