The Dance

Him-Chan looked at Nivritti and politely asked, "may I?"

"What?" asked Nivritti, confused.

"Dance with me," replied Him-Chan.

"Wh… but you said to just enjoy the dance. Nowhere you said that I had to dance," said Nivritti.

"Really? That was like the first thing I said," Him-Chan rolled his eyes.

"Sorry! Was not really listening…"

"…to me. I know. You were busy with that old goat," said Him-Chan. "Now that we are on the dance floor, will you dance with me?"

"Um… the thing is… I… don't know how," replied Nivritti.

"Then let me lead you," said Him-Chan.

"Yeah, yeah, easy for you to say. You are the dance expert."

"Come on! Try it."

"Fine! Fine! What do I have to do?" smiled Nivritti.