The Heartbroken

Smiling faces all around, chirping and talking of the most famous people in Korea, servers running everywhere, clinking and clanking of glasses, fizzing sounds of drinks, popping of bottles, hot steam from the food, cold wind from the outside, spicy and sour smell of the delicacies, even the sweet-smelling sweet dishes were not enough to attract Jae-Geun's attention.

He kept looking in every direction but could not spot Nivritti. He knew that others too were looking for her. He saw the way she shouted at Young-Chul and Jae-Hwa. What did happen that made her angry?

"Did you find her?" he asked the moment he spotted Him-Chan.

"No!" Him-Chan replied and ran away from there in hopes of finding Nivritti. He kept thinking about what Kyung-Soo did to her that she was so angry and called him a jerk.