The Battle Begins

The morning light streamed inside Nivritti's room trying to wake her up, but the effect of her medicine was far greater. She kept sleeping like a log, but that log was snoring softly. The whole night all her brain saw was darkness, a beautiful blank canvas, and not once did it have any desire to paint any dreams on it.

Her alarm started ringing but she was too deep in her sleep. She heard not one ring. The alarm rang completely and after 5 mins it tried to wake her again. She groaned this time and snoozed her phone.

After turning away from her phone, she covered her head with the blanket and went back to sleep. She was not thinking about last night's blog, she was not thinking about Bong or his scolding, she was not thinking about Missmatch, she was not thinking about Dae, all she was thinking about was that her eyes were still heavy, and she just needed sleep.