The Surprise Visit

Stumbling and falling and running towards the door, Nivritti grabbed the handle and pulled the door towards her. Eight large men and a tiny girl fell inside her house onto her feet. She hit her head hard with her palm and pursed her lips in anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Can't you simply press the doorbell? I have to change my code. I really have to change my code. She gets inside when I am sleeping. He walks in running and runs to my balcony. You couldn't have called, couldn't have informed me?" she scolded everyone standing before her.

"We wanted to surprise you," said Jae-Hwa innocently.

"Surprise me! SURPRISE ME!! What you will do one day is give me a heart attack!!" she shouted at everyone. "Get your asses up!" she helped a few of them and then let go. "How are you all here together?"

"Jae's plan! She called me and I told everyone," replied Jeong-Eun.