The Keys to The Heart

Kyung-Soo almost screamed with happiness. What he wanted was happening. Nivritti asked him to stop. "Yes!" he high-fived himself. "What?" he turned towards her and asked.

"Um… I want you to reach inside my bag, and you will find PJ's coat in that," said Nivritti.

"What?" Kyung-Soo was confused.

"Remember that day in the hospital, I took his coat to… hide my…" she stammered but her fingers kept moving towards her back.

"Oh, yeah, right!"

"Yeah! I took it with me to return to him but with everything that happened today, I forgot. Could you return that to him? It is dry-cleaned, he does not have to worry."

"Is that why you stopped me?" asked Kyung-Soo.

"Yeah! Why else?" she looked at him, confused. What was he expecting?

"Right! Fine! I will return it to him," in anger, he opened her bag and ripped the coat out of it. He didn't even bother to close her bag and shutting the door with a bang, he left her house.