The Anger and The Confusion

Nivritti was not sure what to feel about Young-Chul even after two days. Today, she would have to talk to him. She would have to listen to him. How would she reply, how would she react when she didn't even know what to feel?

She kept sitting at the edge of the bed sighing loudly. She had to face Young-Chul today. What she was feeling she had no idea. What was he feeling, she was not ready to talk. Should she take a leave of absence? But her workload increased and just her reading the scripts was not enough. Boys had to read too. Kyung-Soo had to finalise it.

With a loud sigh, she jumped from her bed and went to the bathroom. For a minute, she kept staring at her reflection thinking about what to say to Young-Chul. Of course, she was going to say that he must not kiss her again, ever. But why she didn't such words to Kyung-Soo?