The Fidgeting

After the order of Bong, everyone sat down and looked at Bong to say something. Everyone wanted to know the meaning of this meeting. He started the meeting by thanking everyone for coming to the party. He said that everyone's blessing meant a lot to his family. And that everyone made the party a big business.

"Please convey to your team who could not be in this room, my gratitude," said Bong.

"Is this why he called this meeting?" thought Dae.

But then Bong said, "now to the important topic that I called this meeting. You all know what happened last night."

Dae's ears turned like a bunny and with wide eyes he kept staring at Bong. "Finally, he spoke about the blog. But where are the girls? Why is he not speaking about the girls?"

Bong kept ordering every department what to do next. Dae had a smile on his face as there was no instruction for the script department. It meant that the girls had been reprimanded and/or fired.