The Invitation - 1

"Did you invite them?" was the first question Sheela asked When Nivritti reached home.

"No, mom, sorry, everyone was busy today. I will definitely ask them tomorrow," replied Nivritti.

"Don't forget and don't even think of asking them over the phone," warned Sheela.

"No, never. I will ask them tomorrow," said Nivritti and went to her bedroom to change into her pyjamas. She went into the kitchen to help her mother when Sheela scolded her and told her to take a rest.

"Mom! Should I ask Mr. Hu too?"


"My boss, the supreme boss, the CEO?"

"For Diwali?"


"Um… if you want, but he is THE boss."

"Yeah, that's what I am scared of. I don't know how to approach him. What if I go to his cabin and he is not there? I don't know how to get an appointment to talk to him," said Nivritti.

"I cannot help you. Ask someone else. Maybe Mr. Sidorov," suggested Sheela.