The Embarrassing Fight

"Get up, get up, we will be late," shouted Sheela and pulled the blanket from over Nivritti's body.

"Mom! The shops are going nowhere, and no shops open at 6 in the morning. Go back to sleep and let me sleep," she pulled her blanket back.

"It's not six, it's eight. Wake up!"

"No! no waking me up before 10, got it? Let me sleep now," snapped Nivritti.

"Oh, the only late riser in our family. Where does she get that? Fine, go back to sleep."

"Thank you!"

Sheela waited for Nivritti to get up and get dressed to go shopping. Nivritti kept yawning as wanted to sleep more and her medicine was making her lethargic.

"You slept for hours. Where is your energy?"

"Mom! Can we just… come with me. Wait! Why are you carrying so many empty bags?" asked Nivritti when she saw four large bags in her mother's grip.

"We are going shopping. I don't want plastic bags. These bags are environment friendly," said Sheela.