The Ride

Nivritti almost ran towards the entrance but found that Him-Chan was nowhere near her. She looked next to her and then behind her, he was not there. He was standing far away from her. She ran up to him and asked, "what happened? You don't want to go?"

"Do you want to?" asked Him-Chan.

"Yes! Very much!" said Nivritti excitedly.

He saw the happiness and excitement on her face and realised what his brothers said was true. She was working so hard for the Rencontre, that she needed some activities to keep her happy. This rollercoaster was making her happy, and he loved her smiling face.

"Fine! Let's go." He forgot about his fear and concentrated on her happiness. She presented her hand to him and he gladly took her hand. She started pulling him as she almost ran to the entrance of the ride. She showed her pass and then Him-Chan showed his pass. After 15 minutes, it was their turn.