The Fever

"Fine! Fine! Here is my black card," said Kyung-Soo and handed it over to Nivritti. She giggled and giggled and teased Kyung-Soo over and over again. "Huh! Someone said people would recognise JH, but no one did. They had a bet going with me. I won. Ha-ha, I won."

"Yeah, yeah, enough! You don't have to be so smug," Kyung-Soo rolled his eyes.

"I am going to empty his black card," said Nivritti to Korain.

"Buy things for us too," elbowed Jung-Hwa.

"You are right," smiled Nivritti.

"Hey! Only groceries for you," snapped Kyung-Soo.

"Grocery for me includes things for JJ and TK and PJ and MY and JH and SK and Jae too. If Do-Seok wants I will include him too," teased Nivritti.

"Give me my card back," warned Kyung-Soo.

"This is mine for a month now. You lost your bet, dear," she teased him again. Kyung-Soo's eyes widened with shock. She called him "dear". He smiled peacefully.