The Perfection

Nivritti had no idea on which floor she exited. She just had to run away. She didn't want to spend even a minute on a pointless conversation. She told everything to Korain. How did he know about Kyung-Soo's feelings, she had no idea.

Korain said that Kyung-Soo said nothing to him. He never told about anything to anyone. Then how did Korain know about it. She knew that Jung-Hwa and Jeong-Eun knew about Kyung-Soo's crush but not other boys.

She kept walking and walking down the stairs and opened the door when she reached the 11th floor. She was feeling guilty about shouting at Kyung-Soo. He did nothing yet she shouted at him that too in front of everyone. Well, she didn't want to shout but couldn't help it.

"What is wrong?" asked Jae-Hwa the moment Nivritti entered the room.