The Complaint

"Okay, listen to me very carefully. If you don't choose some scripts to be rejected, I will eeny-meeny-miny-mo this shit!" warned Nivritti.

"What? No, every script is precious. Choosing that way might mean that the real winner will get rejected or worse, I get the worst script of all," sulked Him-Chan. "What will my fans say? They will say I don't love them. I don't want to hurt them. And what if there is a dangerous stunt like going on a roller coaster in the winning script, what will I do then?"

Nivritti sighed, "JH! Don't think about fans, don't think about which stunt you can do. Don't think about which script is best, or which is worst, think about which script makes you smile like an idiot. Think about which script lights up your face. Think about which script makes your heart race like crazy. Think about which script makes you happy or at least feel something here." She pointed at his heart.