The Happiness

While Nivritti chopped onions and green chillies for the stew, Kyung-Soo placed the rice in the rice cooker. After the food was done, they sat next to each other and enjoyed the food.

"You don't have to date SK Hyung. I will help you in the kitchen every time," teased Kyung-Soo and stuffed his mouth with rice.

"Stop talking nonsense and eat," she snapped at him making him laugh.

He enjoyed every single bite, every single grain of rice.

"Won't your boys ask where you were?" she asked.

"Nopes! I have my own life. I can do whatever I want," said Kyung-Soo.

"Oh really! That's why your phone has been vibrating non-stop?" she teased. She knew the boys were calling as it was getting late.

"Oh, that is my other girlfriends calling. Don't worry about them," he teased back.

"Funny! Your girlfriend's name is Shin Korain," she laughed after staring at the phone.