The Reminiscence

Nivritti covered her lips and looked away from Kyung-Soo, but he too was ready for her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer.

"Okay, okay, okay, I will tell you. I am angry because you forced me to change," said Nivritti as quickly as possible. She just wanted to throw Kyung-Soo out of the bathroom before anyone could see them together.

"Heh? What!!! Why?" asked Kyung-Soo.

"I chose that dress carefully," she pouted. "I wanted to look good for you," she said.

Kyung-Soo laughed at her cuteness and kissed her cheeks immediately. "I loved you in that dress, but you were looking too hot, and I don't want others to look at you. I could see JH drooling all over you. I was a little jealous. So, when SK Hyung proposed the dress change I was in favour. Why do you think I brought you to my room? I wanted to see you in my clothes. Now my clothes will smell like you, and I can use that to feel you close to me."