The Dating Story

Him-Chan and Nivritti were now on good terms. Nivritti forgave Him-Chan easily as she knew what happens when people are in love. She herself did some stupid things when she was in love. If she could do stupid things, of course, other people would do the same. True, that he hurt her but now he asked for forgiveness and was sorry about what he did.

Every member of ASD was happy to see both of them. They were hugging sweetly and smiling.

"Now, come here!" Jung-Hwa came towards Nivritti and pulled her towards himself.

"Woah!" Nivritti almost fell on him. He caught her easily with one hand and pulled her to the couch. "What? What?" asked Nivritti.

"Tell us how it happened?" asked Jung-Hwa.

"What happened?" asked Nivritti.

"Oh! Don't be so innocent. You guys always kept fighting and now you are dating. How?" asked Jung-Hwa.

"When did we fight?" asked Kyung-Soo, surprised.