The First Shoot

The huge basket had chocolates, soft toys, cookies and so many other things. The girl gave it to Korain excitedly. "This is just for you, okay?"

"Can't I share it with my boys?" asked Korain.

"No! This is all for you," she pouted. Korain started laughing and everyone followed. She blushed when everyone laughed at her.

Soon, the shoot started, and the fan eagerly watched Korain taking take after take to make the final result the best one. When he would read the lines she wrote, she would giggle. No matter how often the director scolded her to be quiet on the set she would giggle. Finally, Korain had to ask her not to laugh or that would spoil the shoot. She listened to him and kept quiet.

Nivritti sat behind the camera with the director. Everyone knew she was going to be the new team leader of ASD so they were treating her as such. She was shown every part of the shoot and was involved in everything.