22. Bigger Bitch

Ashley's POV

As I left Michelle's lodge in haste I couldn't think straight I needed to reach home and figure out what to do next, "what if Racheal finds out about us?", I really don't care about that right now but part of me really wants to care, it's not like I'm scared of losing her friendship I mean it's not adding anything to my life anyway and we barely talk to each other ever since that hangout and it hasn't really bothered me cause I have Michelle and I won't trade spending time with her for anything or anyone, buh what if Racheal wants her back and Michelle accepts, what will become of me?? No she won't choose her over me, she loves me! Yea at least that's what she says and her actions matches with it ,so yea I know she loves me but I'm scared Racheal is really a possessive psychopathic bitch especially when she wants something and it actually looks like she wants Michelle back in her life she has probably gotten back her senses and realized that Michelle is just too good to be tossed around and picked up anytime she pleases, well news flash If Racheal was a psychopathic bitch ..I'm not less of a crazy bitch either at least for my Michelle, if she does anything sly I won't be taking it slightly with her and I'm sure she will try to manipulate her way back to her life, I wonder if she called back again, I better rush to her lodge to know what's going on in her head and act fast, just maybe I can actually make sure the never meet.

On reaching Racheal's lodge about to knock I heard some voices in the room but I didn't bother to listen carefully to figure out whose voices the were, well knowing Racheal she always has company, I shoved the thought away as I knocked but no one opened then I knocked again and waited for at least two minutes before the door opened revealing Racheal, looks like she dyed her hair red I wonder what she was thinking when she did that, It really doesn't look good on her..would have really loved to tell her that but knowing Racheal she would pick offense and I have to be focused on what I came here for, "wow Racheal you really look good especially with your red hair damnn nice choice of color, it suits you so well" I commented while giving me best smile, "awww thanks babe, you look good too..long time no see, please come in", she said while opening the door wide letting me in and I could see clearly on her face that I just disturbed something but what, has she gotten someone new? If that's the case why is she disturbing Michelle, I thought as I took a good look at the place wow she made new touches here that's really nice, I kept admiring her room till my eyes finally met her couch and my eyes couldn't get itself to believe what it just saw or perhaps who it just saw, my babe! Wtf is Michelle doing here looking all tensed.

As I got comfortable on the other couch opposite Michelle trying not to look her way, I was really angry but I really can't fathom why, all I know is that it has something to do with her being here, in Racheal's room..alone with her!, don't get me wrong it's not like I don't trust her but I don't trust Racheal, she's just too sly and my baby is too calm she might take advantage of that and why didn't she tell me if she had plans to come here?? Or was she hiding it from me but why? Gwashh I'm so pissed, "babe what can I offer you?"Racheal asked while smiling from ear to ear I could tell that she was excited but for what??, I really don't know when I started hating her smile, well I guess I started hating it today, "nahh I'm good babe, umm what's Michelle doing here?..I haven't seen her here in a long time I thought you guys ended things" I said while trying to avoid her gaze so she wouldn't see the disgust written boldly in my eyes, "ohh well you too haven't been here in a long time, that doesn't mean we stopped being friends right? And about Michelle we never really separated so we are still dating", she said as she faces Michelle removing the invisible strands of hair on her face, I just feel like she's trying to piss me off..well I guess it's working cause I feel like smashing that grin off her face and Michelle really looks pale right now I know she's in a tight spot now but why tf did she come here without telling me, if she did we would have avoided all these shits, "ohh so you guys are still together huh, why does she look pale?..I don't think she's comfortable and she hasn't said a word since I came in lols why does it feel like she's being pressurized" I said while faking a laugh so it seems like a joke, "c'mon babe stop teasing her, yunno Michelle has social anxiety I'm sure she's like this because you are here" she said as she used her thumb to touch Michelle's lips seductively attempting to kiss her, wait tf kiss her! "Stop it!" I shouted as I stood up and she looked at me with a confused face, "why should I stop?, are you okay??" She asked and I could see clearly that she was getting pissed, "yea I'm okay Racheal your the one insane here, Michelle obviously no longer likes you and your trying to manipulate your way back to her life after treating her like trash and I won't be tolerating that" I said while shooting glares at her I was really angry now like how dare she try to kiss my babe, " lols and how is that any of your business, you are supposed to be my friend not her's, yunno what Ashley leave my house before I get even more angry than I already am and I'm sure you don't wanna see that part of me" she said as she stood up from the couch gesturing towards the door, "wow Racheal you have no shame at all, I know your crazy but at least I thought you should have a little decency to not force your way into someone's life after breaking there heart, don't you feel guilty at all, how can you be so insensitive and stupid!" tbh I was a little bit scared I know how crazy Racheal could be when she's angry, she's a real psychopathic fighter..I have seen her beat her so many people including guys but I was too angry to swallow my words, before I could figure out what to say next I saw a hand raise towards my face, it was Racheal's hand ..was she really about to slap me??I was too shocked and scared that I closed my eyes waiting for the slap to reach my face because I really can't fight with her so I will just receive the slap but I still can't feel anything as I slowly opened my eyes as I saw Michelle's hand holding up Racheal's hand tightly, "don't you dare lay your filthy hands on my girlfriend!" She shouted sending shivers down my spine, she looks damn hot right now ..I have never seen her this mad before or will I say I have never seen her mad before, she's always calm I guess she just couldn't take it anymore, "wait a minute Michelle did you just call Ashley your girlfriend or am I hearing wrong, wow wow Ashley your really a traitor I should have seen it coming with the way you kept staring at her during the hangout but I thought you were a good friend so I gave you the benefit of doubt but I guess life gives us lots of surprises huh" she said as she smirked lightly, she's a psychopath, "well ... "I trailed off as Michelle cut me off while grabbing my wrist, "we owe you no explanation Racheal, we have had enough of your drama and won't be staying to watch more of it" my girlfriend said with a stern face spreading an authoritative aura, damn she's so hot when she's angry I could take her right now if we weren't at Racheal's place, I could see on Racheal's face that she was surprised too as Michelle dragged me towards the door while turning the knob and turned back to face Racheal that was still on a spot like she was still taking in what just happened, "and don't you dare ever call my phone again unless you will see the worst of me, I'm sure you don't want to see that yea neither do I", she said as she stormed out while dragging me along, damn I always thought Racheal and I were the only bitches here but gwashh my sweet, calm girlfriend is indeed the Bigger Bitch...how did she hide this part of her so well??.