“ Oh, I see now. So be it. “When I married him, I was aware that it would be like this.
He got out of the car with me and held the door as I dragged myself inside as we drove silently toward my house, which by this point had become my house.
For the first time since the previous night, I felt like I could unwind after finding a note from my father on the kitchen table. He had probably left the house to do some work of his own or was perhaps going to meet my mother at her appointment.
With the exception of Luke, who lingered in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the doorframe and observing me.
“What?” I said. I was too worn out to even attempt to be courteous to him. “Do you not need to return to your job?”
“That can wait a little while, “he said.
I couldn't help but stare at him in confusion. Finally, I replied, “Okay.” “then what? Do you need something quick before you return?”
He acknowledged, “well, yes.”