Chapter 126

I finally listened to Odelia. I trusted her since she was usually correct. Restlessly, I left the office to make coffee, an anxious, aimless activity that at least kept my hands busy. The doorbell rang as I started the coffeemaker.

I rushed to the front door and glanced out, then exhaled a sigh of relief. Odelia waited. It's open.

I started, “Hey Odelia—”

She pushed by me and entered the house, shouting “Okay.” She carried a stack of colorful tabloids. “Calm down!”

My hands shook and breathing quickened. Odelia seized my shoulders and shook me, dropping tabloids over the marble foyer floor. She ordered, “No.” “Don't panic!”

“How can I not panic when you yell?” Why tabloids?

Odelia hugged me in response. She responded, “It's OK.”

I thought, This is bad. On shaky legs, I dropped myself to the floor, and Odelia gave me room to grieve my dead. I grabbed a National Enquirer with numb fingertips.