Chapter 2 "A Nightmare...Reality.. Buried Past?"

all the participants were talking about the creepy way they entered with and actually they were quite right , it felt as it was a hidden room in the building, why is this so secretive as if no one should know ? that was what Joey though too.

Mostly no one heard the sound of the door being locked because of the noise and their loud voices, and since Zain was the last one to enter, he heard the sound clearly because the door was next to him. " Nice begin..." he whispered to himself.

he entered and heard Ben's voice calling him loudly to sit next to them, but Zain looked at them and then looked on the other side to see Joey sitting alone, while Ryou is trying to make friends, he was the smiley, social, and talkative type of guy, so Zain smiled and went toward Joey and put his hand on the table and then sat on the chair facing him; they were sitting facing each other.

Joey looked at him with amazement. "Why did you sit here?"

"don't see anybody's name written on the chair! I sit where I want to sit, Mr ....?" Zain raised his eyebrows with the gesture of questioning.

Joey looked at him slightly and was astonished at his rudeness and manner. he inhaled then exhaled deeply, taking the decision to finally talk back to him

" it's Joey Yang," Then he turned his gaze to another place away from Zain.

Zain smiled, "Well, Mr. Yang, my name is Zain San."

Joey sat checking the place with his eyes, then replied, "Nice to meet you, Mr. San." without even looking at him.

Zain smiled sarcastically and looked at the other side it was a new thing for someone to not comment or being afraid that he is one of the San family. so This is the first time someone ignores him. he didn't feel great, but felt more comfortable in a way.

Joey suddenly felt thirsty and found a cup of water on the table in front of him, he grabbed it and took a sip.

Joey looked uncomfortable, Zain didn't know if it was because of him or it because of something else " Hey .. what's wrong?" he asked taking a sip of the juice in his hand,

" Something feels off .... something like unwelcoming energy....or a smell of something weird.... I can't say what exactly, bit it feels bad...."

"you... can feel it too? " Zain looked to Joey in amazement,

" feel what ? " Joey looked at him in wonder

Suddenly, the electricity was cut off. Joey stayed silent for a few seconds before he discovered that there was no sound around him. He looked around but did not see anything but darkness. After a few seconds, he called out

"Ryou? ...Ryou!! Mr. San !!?"Joey shouted.

But there was no answer. Joey tried to put the cup on the table to stand up, but there was no table. The cup fell on the floor, but it did not break nor made a shuttering sound of glass, Joey felt that the cup had fallen on a soft and smooth surface where he heard a slight sound of it.

Joey  called out loudly again, but nobody answered. After a minute the electricity returned, or at least a strong light was felt by Joey's golden sensitive eyes, Joey closed his eyes from the intensity of the light and opened them again slowly.

When Joey removed his hand, his eyes slowly opened until it adapted to the bright light.

When his eyes were opened and he could see clearly now , he was shocked as he found himself setting on the chair but in a garden! not in the hall, and when he looked under his feet, he found the cup which he just drunk, it was under his feet on grass.

Joey moved and looked around, "Ryou !!! Zain?" Joey shouted loudly, and was so confused, is it a dream? or am I hallucinating? that was what he thought in this moment, there was no one just the sound of the wind moving the grass and shrubs around him, when he walked for a few steps,

He felt such familiarity, he felt that this place was not a place he did not know, his nose snatched this smell that he could never forget,... Yes!! it's his mother's cooking

"What is ... it's our garden...our house ... why am I here ?! how did I returned!! " Joey muttered to himself while taking faster steps tell he reached the door of the house. his hands hesitated before reaching to the doorknob.

but before he even put his hand on the doorknob the door was opened by itself. there was no one, he felt strange, so he got inside looking for whoever opened the door for him while looking for his family members, but found no one. he called out, "Mom?!?" And as soon as he entered, the door behind him was closed on his own.

Joey heard a violin being played coming from their top floor, and as Joey headed up, he stole some glances at his house, but was confused. "What is this furniture...Never seen it before .... it also looks very old-fashioned...And this piano was also not here..." Joey thought in his mind. but didn't bother. as he climbed up the stairs tracking the violin sound.

When he went up, he followed the sound to see. that the sound was coming from his room, but the door looked different, actually everything looked different, and when he opened it, he saw an old man playing the violin, the man turned around, looking in Joey's direction, Joey thought that the man saw him, and felt that he knew him, when Joey was about to open his mouth, the old man's eyes suddenly widened and called out in a voice filled with concern and tenderness " Maya!, You came sweetheart!" The old man said. Joey heard his mother's name and was about to turn around when without any introductions she crossed through Joey as if he was air or a ghost. Joey was shocked and terrified he even fell back to floor .

Panting on the floor, trying to feel himself with both of his hands, he didn't believe what just happened, "did ..did she really just walk through me!!! what the hell is going on!! where the hell am I !!! it must be a dream!!" he said in a frightened voice.

after a minute he tried to stand on his shaky legs, and looked at their direction, he saw his young mother holding who like she's in her twenties, holding a little baby in her arms.

" Oh Father, I really  missed you" Mrs Maya said to her father to make it clear to Joey that this old man is his grandfather whom he has never seen before not even in a picture.

which actually made him think, why she didn't tell them anything about him before.

"Father! Father, we have to do something. his condition is getting worse!" Maya said crying to her father.

"Are they still coming for him Maya ?" Said his grandfather

"Who... Who is coming, and for whom ?!" Joey asked his mother, who couldn't hear him for sure, he even tried to touch her by putting his hand on her shoulder, but his hand was going through her as if he is a ghost.

suddenly another person came into the room, it was a wheaten skinned woman with longe wavy black hair .

"We have to do it.... Gamela, you came in the right time!" The man said to the woman who just came in.

"Oh my God Maya, did it happen again? did you see them?! " the woman said.

And as soon as Joey turned around to see who is she , she passed through him too, Joey was shocked and returned a few steps back as if he was about to fall, but he straightened himself quickly, it's not as bad as the first time, "Gamela?" Joey  asked.

The woman held Maya's hands, who was crying a lot, "My dear, what your husband did angered them a lot! You should have never Did that, Maya! Now you have to take the child to the mountain as I told you, this is their condition. Otherwise, they will attack the city, killing all of your family for revenge dear!" Sitting on her knees, Gamela said, in front of Maya who sit at the same level on the sofa.

Suddenly, a very strong wind broke through the window, the wind was so strong that it broke the window glass, that wind was not ordinary it was a gloomy and heavy wind. Joey closed his eyes and put his arm on his face and head to protect his eyes from dust and flying glass .

After Joey felt that the wind had calmed down a little, he begin to remove his arms and opened his eyes slowly as he felt that the air became stronger and colder, his eyes widen, his face paled as he lost his balance and tell on his back while breathing rapidly

he was shocked as he found himself on the edge of a mountain cliff, he started to crawl backwards without blinking.

"what is going on here!!! what is happening?!!"

" Anyone Help!!! "

Joey started to try to Stand up on his shaky legs which can not take anymore shocks today, and looked again to the cliff but this time with more awareness. when he looked down cautiously, he stopped breathing for a second due to his inability to imagine how high the Mountain was, and what would happen is anything fell from here, in the end the view was scary, all he could see is darkness .

He only looked back, when he heard a sound of a crying child, which interrupted his thoughts, when he turned around he saw his mother carrying a baby, walking towards the cliff, behind her both his grandfather and Mrs Gamela.

his mother looked very pale as if she is a walking body, with tears that do not dry nor stop at all, she looked at the baby as she reaches the cliff, and said quavering with muffled voice:

"My Dear, we will meet again very soon! Don't be afraid, my dear, you will be fine. Trust me, okay!.... I'am... really sorry!"

Maya said crying and the tears falls down her face it also dropped on the baby's face Joey's heart contracted, he never imagined that his mother would do something as cruel as this, he denied this, this must be a dream! a nightmare!! yes a nightmare!! Joey though in his head while putting his hand on his heart trying to calm it and keep it from exploding.

his breath became heavier, his face reddened while tears welled up in his eyes. He felt his throat closing up.

" M..Mom...." he said as his voice cracking." is this me?"

Joey tried to get any words out from between his lips, but all that came out was muttering and calling out his mother's name.

even though he felt that all of this might be a dream or a part of the test maybe? but in his heart and mind, this felt so real. as if there was already a wound in his heart that reopened after watching this l.

"No ... no. ..Mom ... don't do this... You're doing something wrong now ... mother NO!" Joey shouted until a tear fell from his eyes.

His mother kissed the baby's head and then let go of him so the child fell from the cliff in his white sheet. like a falling angel with white wings.

Joey screams loudly along with it. " NO !!!"while running towards her.

However, Joey felt something holding his foot from below in the exact moment, and as soon as he looked at the thing that held his foot,

he found a black hand, that even may seem burnt, it was holding his foot, trying to drag him down too. and indeed the fist was too strong and pulled him down, Joey look down to see what was holding his foot, and was terrified when he looked to those wide white eyes which looked right into his, it was like a gathering of black smoke that had big piercing white eyes with Unspecified body.

Joey screamed loudly " Help Me!!! Mother!! Anyone!! HELP!!" he cried out asking for help but no response.

even though Joey tried to hold on to the rocks to keep himself from falling. Joey couldn't hold on any longer, the thing that was dragging him down started to become heavier with each moment goes by.

the rocks he was holding to, began to crumble. the air became stronger it seems a storm was about to hit the place , Joey looked up, found the black sky lit by lightning and heard the loud sound of thunder, rain falling down heavily, the drops fell on his pale white face along with his tears, as fear took over his heart.

"Trust us ..." suddenly he heard a voice far from below even seems like a whisper.

" what!!! who?!!" he shouted .

" Trust us ...let go " it said again .

" No...god please...if this is the end...then..." Joey mattered to himself, he closed his eyes thinking about his family, what could happen to them, who is going to protect them, he thought grinding on his teeth,

Soon he surrendered, and his brain stopped functioning, after a minute, he heard someone's steps coming closer, he opened his eyes and called out quickly:

" Hey!! Help am here !!! Here HELP!!" he shouted again.

when the steps came closer and closer, and hope started to spread in Joey's heart again, the smile on his face went a way in a second once he saw the one in front of him,

Someone in a long black cloak that covers their entire body and a hood covering their face and head, This person got down on his knees to reach Joey's hand, who thought he was about to help him.

but Joey was shocked as this person pulled out a knife and held it high, as if he is going to stab him, Joey's eyes widen and his pupils shrunked in fear, and in a blink of an eye this person wounded Joey's hand making him let go immediately in pain.

his expression while falling was a blank face, he still did not imagine that what's happening is real, he locked his gaze on that person till the last second before he feel as if the darkness begin embracing his body.

Joey closed his eyes, surrendering to his fate, but he felt weird about himself, because he didn't feel afraid...his heart was at ease, it felt as if this embrace was warm...he thought.... actually...this does not feel so bad..

End of Chapter two