Chapter 18: Elia Part (8) Fin " Cold Heavens"

Suddenly Elia raised the ax and landed it towards them and at the same time a giant black circle was drawn under them like a black deep lake they all fell into it and disappeared in a second before Elia landed her ax on the ground with a loud stroking sound.



Flashback: Five Hours Ago:

In the room before the villagers came.

" so You want them to gather your friends and then I open a gate to you to escape to another place in the underworld?"

_"Yes!" Joey answered.

"You're crazy, right? "

_" This is the only option, As you can not open a gate in the upper world, So this is the only way to be saved! Anywhere but here would be better"

" You know that if I opened a gate, It would be harder for you to go back to your world. You realize so right?"

_" what do you mean?"

" I will open a gate in the real Underworld, not this simulated or mixed one! Even when you are here at least what you will meet will be spirits or low ranks, but in the real Underworld, you can not imagine what you will be meeting with.." she said as she got closer to him, she got her head closer to Joey's as he took a step back," make your mind there is no time!"

Joey gulped down a ball of saliva before he looked her in the eyes " We have no other way!"

She smirked " Fine! "

_" I take from 15 to 20 mins to reopen a gate...I will open it twice"


_" I will open it once so I could enter the cave before Elia shows up and will need you to keep her busy from killing you for 20 mins "

Joey thought for seconds but all the thoughts ended up with one thing have another!"

He looked up at her" ...Fine.."

End of flashback.



Joey felt all his bones crashing and can not feel the rest of his body. As he felt his face was freezing and after a minute he felt strong cold winds hitting his face.

He slowly tried to leave his heavy eyelids, and finally, He opened his eyes narrowly, to see everything in white، when it got a bit clearer, he realized that he could only see snow everywhere, it was all in white, He could only move his eyes but he couldn't move his body an inch, he was laying on his stomach in a place full of snow, all he could think about is that he will freeze to death be Buried in the snow if doesn't move any sooner.

He doesn't know if his friends are alive or not he couldn't feel anything at all, not his body, Nor his surroundings. All he could do after a while is to clench his Fists on the snow under his hands cursing his helplessness and inability at this moment.



In The Capital's Police station:

" I want you to tell me right now how the hell did this happen!" commander Bai Yelled in a very high tone which terrified the people surrounding him.

" You asked us Commander Bai, and we did as we were told, as for what happened, I don't know if it's a bad Coincidence or a misfortune," A woman in her forties said full of confidence, as she drinks her tea calmly sitting on the couch in front of Mr. Bai's office, taking a sip, she continued:

" The King had fallen...that is what happened. The fifth rank creature that appeared came through a gate, so apparently, someone opened a gate between the two worlds intentionally"

" What? What do you mean?" You asked

" Means that there is either someone was Insinuated in this test to open the gate and that would be impossible or someone from there opened the gate from inside to kill the participants in this test which actually would be a disaster ". she smirked taking another sip of her tea calmly.

" What! Why are both of the options bad!" You said.

" Can you please make it clearer madam? One of your family members is inside must think of him too"

The woman put the cup on the table when she heard Commander Bai, She kept her compose very well as a mother, she smiled and said calmly " The only ones who can open the gate between the worlds are the chosen from the underworld and a chosen person in the upper world, only these people can open the gate, But, If one of the underworld people opened it and killed those Participants intentionally, then the peace treaty will be broken between both worlds and that is what they want, with the king's disappearance, The Underworld is in Chaos, what is sure is that someone knew about the Test, and was waiting for it "

"So, how can we save those who are left, " Commander Bai said in a very calm and anxious voice.

" We can't...they have to find a way out themselves, if they can't then they will die, that's it "

" Why can't you guys just open a gate and get them out just like how you made this damn simulation!" Yu shouted out of confusion.

" We are witches !, Our power is limited here, creating a simulation of the underworld won't be a problem anyone from rank one can do it! We are way higher and stronger than that! But when we say that the king was gone that means that the real Underworld is in chaos and is a living hell right now, Even more than what it was already!, And of course, the spy who opened the gate to get them in all of this is something else" the Eldest witch mana Said yelling at Commander Bai and the Officers.

" So we will just leave them!" You said with disbelief at what he is hearing.

"Yes!, There is no other option," another one of the other witches said.

" Commander Bai, you will have such a powerful team, if this man came back alive, you have to think about that! Also, about My family member, if he is a San family member, He will pass this. If he did not, then he doesn't deserve to. Now excuse us" she got up, And once she stood up all of the other four witches in the. the room stood as well.

As they were going to the door, " madam, Gamila " Commander Bai called out.

" Yes?"

" Is there no way even to get them some supplies or maps of the safe places in there, anything to help ..?"



Back To The Underworld:

" Sir. Sir are you awake?!"

A boy in very heavy clothes, thick fur covering his neck, sat calling.

Joey tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids were heavy and he felt that he could not feel his face or limps, He was covered in very heavy covers. Seems that he is in a very cold place.

Finally, he opened his eyes, and the image began to get clearer. "What.....where am I ..?"

"Are you okay? Oh my God, I almost lost hope!"

Joey contemplates the place around him to find himself in what looks like a hut with a wooden ceiling while he slept on a heavy quilt beside a fire and wood to warm up the room.

The memories came rushing to his mind of what happened in the village, and tried to moderate quickly "My friends! Where are they ?!"

"Yeah, look next to you .."

The boy said, helping him to get up

as Joey turned around to find Aran and Alicia beside him, also sleeping in a quilt, covered with heavy Layers.

He put his hand on his head as he felt a surprising pain hitting his head, "How long have we been here ... how have you found us, and what is this place!"

"You have been here for two days sir! My father found you while hunting in the northern part of the mountain. You were on the verge of freezing, but fortunately, we needed to replenish the supplies, so the fishermen went there with my father and we found you before the demons does!"

-"Yes, thanks ... what ... demons !!"

"Yes, where did you come from, sir?

Joey didn't know if it would be better to tell someone about the fact that they are human beings, lost and came from the Upper world, or are they were neighbors and just lost their way home, so he chose to be silent and not answer, "Can you take me to your father?"

The boy nodded happily, "Yes, of course, this is the first time we have visitors!"

After the boy gave him some warm clothes, they got out of the hut, Joey was surprised by the dense snow, that covered every place his eyes could see in white except for the clear blue sky above, and he also found some huts scattered in the vicinity and some people sitting around a fire.

He looked around a little, then was surprised to find Zain sitting on one of those rocks around the bonfire with some people, wearing heavy clothes as well with similar fur. And as soon as their eyes met, Zain run in the direction of Joey, and the latter also accelerated his steps and the comforting features on their faces.

Zain reached out to him and then looked at each other, "So ... this time we came to the North Pole in the underworld!" Zain said sarcastically.

"It wasn't me who picked the place, you know," Joey answered calmly.

"Yes, yes, the witch is in a coma inside, they found her with us!"

" What!!"

"Yes, the idea of opening the gate even if it is in the same place seems to be a burden for a little witch!"

"Most importantly, do you know anything about this place?" Joey asked.

"No ... well not much, but in one of  the books I read, there is a mention of a mountain, that mountain breeds demons."

"Snow Devils, or  Baran Mountain Demons, that is what they are called, no one come or get out of here Joey,  The slopes of the mountain are surrounded by high Ranks Creatures! The witch did choose a wonderful place !"

End of Chapter 18.