Chapter 21: Possessed

The wind swirled around the boys, shaking the pines around them, making a rustling sound of the trees around them, the sound seemed like a warning to the honey-eyed man of what was to come, the look of the man standing before him made Joey puzzled and frozen. Bewilderment and doubt struck his heart like any other normal human being, demons could manipulate his feelings too.

" They are leaving us behind anyways so let's go too, they don't give a damn about us," Ryou said as he pulls Joey by his wrist with force, Joey is focusing his eyes on them, he couldn't blink, and for a moment he felt betrayed. and the other moment he felt confused. he didn't know what to feel exactly.

" Move! We need to go before the sunset " Ryou said as he finally made Joey move his heavy legs.

Joey Closed his eyes and turned his head and walked along with Ryou.

-" So, don't you need to tell Joey about this?" Aran asked as he and Zain walk on the road back to the hut.

" Am trying to find him but he walked a quite good distance this fast in 10 minutes!...he is athletic!" Zain said as he was looking around searching for him with his eyes.

-" And? What about Alicia? How will we stop her or get her back to normal?"Aran asked worriedly.

" We only need not to go anywhere and stick together...they did this with the others to divide them too, they can't deal with a number "

-" So these demons, possess others to get a larger number and tempt people to get out of the village in their own well?"

" Yep!"

-" This is dangerous we shouldn't have let her go easily, She could get hurt!"

" She has always been strong and stiff on the outside, but so easy to break and manipulate on the inside..." Zain said as the cold smoke comes out of his mouth, he knew what he said would make the golden-haired man walking beside him angry, but that's just Zain being himself, he has no filters in his mouth.

" they will not hurt her, they need more people, the Baran Demons take many people as a meal. Never one. Never happened in the history of the underworld, or at least that is what was written! But actually, The bright side is if we caught the demon we can get it to help us get out of the mountain safely!" Zain said with confidence in his plan.

-" I will not trust more demons Zain," The metallic-eyed boy said in a statement.

Zain smirked as he knew that would be his exact reaction.

" Sir...Sir!" Zain stopped as They heard someone calling them loudly from behind, they turned around to see Sana the leader's little son running to their spot.

" Oh, little Sana, what are you doing here!" Zain said as he squats on the ground to face the little boy as he pats his head gently " you are lost or something?"

" Sir, Why are you leaving now? Did...did we do something to upset you?"

" What... leaving! boy. Am standing here before you, Am I not ?" Zain said loudly in confusion.

Aran did not wait for further explanation

" shit! Alicia!" He muttered and ran fastly.

" Hey! Wait, Don't!" Zain shouted but Aran was already running far.

" Shit" Zain cursed and was about to run behind him.

"Mr. Joey is leaving with Mr. Ryou also Sir!"

The boy said which caused Zain to stop in his steps and looked back at him

" Where did you see them?! Were they all together?" Zain asked seriously looking at the boy.

" No! Ms. Alicia was alone packing, while Mr. Joey was leaving with Mr. Ryou. They were walking away with their packages! "

" Shit!" Zain's face became pale and shocked, as he turned and ran faster.

Aran arrived at the tent, but he couldn't find her, he found footprints outside the tent And knew right away it belongs to Alicia It begins from the tent, And after he lost hope in finding her around he decided to trace the footprints and look out for her.

Zain started running and also arrived at their tent and found no one there and their packages were lesser than it was and so he understood what happened, While looking around his eyes caught a written note on the table that said (( Alicia is missing, am going to get her back! Stay here))

Zain sighed, and closed his eyes, sitting with a thud sound on the bed. But he couldn't stay, with the idea of Joey and his friends dividing in a place surrounded by demons and possessors, He also took a bag and ran out of the tent, and as he  got out he, He met Sana and asked him " Where are Joey and Ryou, what direction did they take!?"

The boy was startled " the...the Southern way ..." The boy seemed worried and afraid, pointing with his finger to the south.

" Mr. Zain, is M..r Joey going to be fine?"

Zain looked back at him " I will get him back!"

"Stay here, No one gets out of the village!"

Zain left the boy and ran to the southern way as he was told.

After Zain arrived at a far point on the mountain, outside the boundary of the village but still not too far away, A loud Horn was heard, both Aran, Zain, Ryou, and Joey stopped because of it as a man shouted with the loudest voice:

" Four People are Missing! , Four People Are missing! "

After the four of them heard this, Zain stopped and was worried about what is going to happen, At the same time but in another part of the mountain Ryou and Joey Stopped too, Joey got worried and felt it was wrong but when he looked back to Ryou to tell him that they need to go back. He saw Ryou smiling Nastily.

and so was Alicia as she heard it too and stood far away knowing that they are following her as planned, she was waiting.

" Ryou...where are we going! What's wrong you seem different! " Joey asked  Ryou facing him as he noticed something weird, he noticed it, But said to himself maybe it's a light? but it's getting more obvious with time, Ryou's skin begins to turn blue slowly!

" wrong...with You!"

End of Chapter 21
